Browse All : Images of European; French from 1799 and 1700

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Fantasy Fountain
attrib. to Pierre Edme ...
Fantasy Fountain
18th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
attrib. to Pierre Edme Babel
Fantasy Fountain
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Vue Generalle du Vesuve, en 1757 (View of Vesuvius in 1757), pl. 1 from Minéralogie, 6me Collection. Volcans
Jacque Francois Benard
Vue Generalle du Vesuve...
18th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Jacque Francois Benard
Vue Generalle du Vesuve, en 1757 (View of Vesuvius in 1757), pl. 1 from Minéralogie, 6me Collection. Volcans
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Landscape with Two Fishermen
[Louis Nicolas van Blar...
Landscape with Two Fish...
18th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
[Louis Nicolas van Blarenberghe, Louis Nicolas van Blarenberghe, Louis-Nicolas or Henri-Joseph van Blarenberghe, Louis-Nicolas or Henri-Joseph van Blarenberghe]
Landscape with Two Fishermen
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Landscape with Churchyard
[Louis Nicolas van Blar...
Landscape with Churchya...
18th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
[Louis Nicolas van Blarenberghe, Louis Nicolas van Blarenberghe, Louis-Nicolas or Henri-Joseph van Blarenberghe, Louis-Nicolas or Henri-Joseph van Blarenberghe]
Landscape with Churchyard
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Seated Girl Painting Cupids
François Boucher
Seated Girl Painting Cu...
18th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
François Boucher
Seated Girl Painting Cupids
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Reclining Nude
after François Boucher
Reclining Nude
18th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
after François Boucher
Reclining Nude
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Un Polisson
after François Boucher
Un Polisson
18th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
after François Boucher
Un Polisson
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Marie Antoinette
Louis-Jacques Cathelin
Marie Antoinette
18th century
The Minneapolis Institu...
Creator Name-CRT
Louis-Jacques Cathelin
Marie Antoinette
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Architectural Landscape
attrib. to Charles Mich...
Architectural Landscape
18th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
attrib. to Charles Michel-Ange Challe
Architectural Landscape
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Study of Male Head
attrib. to Jerome-Franc...
Study of Male Head
18th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
attrib. to Jerome-Francois Chantereau
Study of Male Head
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
The Visitation
Michel-François Dandré-...
The Visitation
18th century
The Minneapolis Institu...
Creator Name-CRT
Michel-François Dandré-Bardon
The Visitation
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Love Received by the Graces
attributed to Philibert...
Love Received by the Gr...
18th century
The Minneapolis Institu...
Creator Name-CRT
attributed to Philibert Benoit de la Rue
Love Received by the Graces
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
The Assumption of the Virgin
Jean-Baptiste Deshays
The Assumption of the V...
18th century
The Minneapolis Institu...
Creator Name-CRT
Jean-Baptiste Deshays
The Assumption of the Virgin
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Jason and the Golden Fleece
attributed to Gabriel-F...
Jason and the Golden Fl...
18th century
The Minneapolis Institu...
Creator Name-CRT
attributed to Gabriel-François Doyen
Jason and the Golden Fleece
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Jean Henri Eberts
18th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Jean Henri Eberts
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Allegorical Composition
attrib. to Charles Domi...
Allegorical Composition
18th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
attrib. to Charles Dominique-Joseph Eisen
Allegorical Composition
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Diana and Acteen changed into a stag
Etienne Fessard
Diana and Acteen change...
18th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Etienne Fessard
Diana and Acteen changed into a stag
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
The Bear Hunt
Jean-Jacques Flipart
The Bear Hunt
18th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Jean-Jacques Flipart
The Bear Hunt
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Jacob Recognizing the Robe of His Son Joseph
Jean Jacques Forty
Jacob Recognizing the R...
18th century
The Minneapolis Institu...
Creator Name-CRT
Jean Jacques Forty
Jacob Recognizing the Robe of His Son Joseph
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Pierre-Antoine Foullet
18th century
The Minneapolis Institu...
Creator Name-CRT
Pierre-Antoine Foullet
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Saint Jerome in the desert
[Jean-Honoré Fragonard,...
Saint Jerome in the des...
18th century
The Minneapolis Institu...
Creator Name-CRT
[Jean-Honoré Fragonard, after Giovanni-Battista Langetti]
Saint Jerome in the desert
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Le Martyre de Saint Placide
[Jean-Honoré Fragonard,...
Le Martyre de Saint Pla...
18th century
The Minneapolis Institu...
Creator Name-CRT
[Jean-Honoré Fragonard, after Luca Giordano]
Le Martyre de Saint Placide
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Two Gentlemen Standing in the Corridor of a Palace
Hubert François Gravelo...
Two Gentlemen Standing ...
18th century
The Minneapolis Institu...
Creator Name-CRT
Hubert François Gravelot
Two Gentlemen Standing in the Corridor of a Palace
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Monkey and the Cat
Christophe Huet
Monkey and the Cat
18th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Christophe Huet
Monkey and the Cat
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Monkeys at Play
Christophe Huet
Monkeys at Play
18th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Christophe Huet
Monkeys at Play
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Two Women at the Well
Jean-Baptiste Le Prince
Two Women at the Well
18th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Jean-Baptiste Le Prince
Two Women at the Well
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
[attributed to François...
18th century
The Minneapolis Institu...
Creator Name-CRT
[attributed to François Lemoine, Possibly Jean-François de Troy]
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Charles Joseph Natoire
18th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Charles Joseph Natoire
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Study of Standing Male Figure
attrib. to Michel-Barth...
Study of Standing Male ...
18th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
attrib. to Michel-Barthélemy Ollivier
Study of Standing Male Figure
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Studies of Draped Female Figure
attrib. to Michel-Barth...
Studies of Draped Femal...
18th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
attrib. to Michel-Barthélemy Ollivier
Studies of Draped Female Figure
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Male Figure Study
attrib. to Michel-Barth...
Male Figure Study
18th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
attrib. to Michel-Barthélemy Ollivier
Male Figure Study
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Dog Attacking a Hare
Jean -Baptiste Oudry
Dog Attacking a Hare
18th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Jean -Baptiste Oudry
Dog Attacking a Hare
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Phaeton asks his Father Phoebus for the Sun's Chariot
Bernard Picart
Phaeton asks his Father...
18th century
The Minneapolis Institu...
Creator Name-CRT
Bernard Picart
Phaeton asks his Father Phoebus for the Sun's Chariot
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Two Figures (Genre Scene)
Jacques André Portail
Two Figures (Genre Scen...
18th century
The Minneapolis Institu...
Creator Name-CRT
Jacques André Portail
Two Figures (Genre Scene)
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
attributed to Pierre Pa...
18th century
The Minneapolis Institu...
Creator Name-CRT
attributed to Pierre Paul Prud'hon
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
A Young Man Seated at a Desk Writing
attributed to Pierre Pa...
A Young Man Seated at a...
18th century
The Minneapolis Institu...
Creator Name-CRT
attributed to Pierre Paul Prud'hon
A Young Man Seated at a Desk Writing
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Visit to Grandfather
Elisabeth Louise de duc...
Visit to Grandfather
18th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Elisabeth Louise de duchesse de Chabot La Rochefoucauld
Visit to Grandfather
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Iris, at the Behest of Zeus, Warns Athena and Juno not to Assist the Greeks in their War with the Trojans
Attributed to Jacques R...
Iris, at the Behest of ...
18th century
The Minneapolis Institu...
Creator Name-CRT
Attributed to Jacques Réattu
Iris, at the Behest of Zeus, Warns Athena and Juno not to Assist the Greeks in their War with the Trojans
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Porte St. Denis: South View
after Gabriel Jacques d...
Porte St. Denis: South ...
18th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
after Gabriel Jacques de Saint-Aubin
Porte St. Denis: South View
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
La Sultane Valide verso: Geometric design for machinery
Gabriel Jacques de Sain...
La Sultane Valide verso...
18th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Gabriel Jacques de Saint-Aubin
La Sultane Valide verso: Geometric design for machinery
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Cup and saucer
Sevres Factory
Cup and saucer
18th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Sevres Factory
Cup and saucer
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Le Champagne Pol Roger
after Charles Thevenin
Le Champagne Pol Roger
18th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
after Charles Thevenin
Le Champagne Pol Roger
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Head of a Young Woman
Unidentified French, 18...
Head of a Young Woman
Not Dated
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Unidentified French, 18th century
Head of a Young Woman
Creation Date
Not Dated
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Rectangular snuff box
Rectangular snuff box
18th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Rectangular snuff box
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Snuff box oval, with scened of castles and lakes
Snuff box oval, with sc...
18th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Snuff box oval, with scened of castles and lakes
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Octagonal snuff box with portrait of Diana, Goddess of the Hunt
Octagonal snuff box wit...
18th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Octagonal snuff box with portrait of Diana, Goddess of the Hunt
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
18th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Cup and saucer
Cup and saucer
18th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Cup and saucer
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Male Academie
Male Academie
18th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Male Academie
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Dish in form of boar's head
artist unknown
Dish in form of boar's ...
18th century
The Minneapolis Institu...
Creator Name-CRT
artist unknown
Dish in form of boar's head
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
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