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The Art Institute of Chicago
Domenico da Gambassi
Andrea del Sarto Andrea del …
The Art Institute of Chicago
The Wife of Domenico da Gamb …
Andrea del Sarto Andrea del …
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Plate: The Three Graces
Maestro Giorgio Andreoli
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
circa 1524 - 1525
Sheet of Figure Studies with …
Domenico Beccafumi
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dates not recorded
Virgin and Child
Boccaccio Boccaccino
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
circa 1525 - 1530
St. Jerome in the Wilderness …
Niccolò Boldrini
Los Angeles County Museum of …
c. 1525-1535
Study of a Supplicant Male F …
Paris Bordone
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 1510-1520
Madonna and Child Enthroned …
Benedetto Buglioni
The Art Institute of Chicago
Roman Soldiers Arresting Sai …
Polidoro da Caravaggio
The Cleveland Museum of Art
early 1520s
Holy Family with a Shepherd
Battista Dossi
The Detroit Institute of Art …
ca. 1500-1525
Pilaster or Door Jamb
Antonello Gagini
The Detroit Institute of Art …
ca. 1500-1525
Pilaster or Door Jamb
Antonello Gagini
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 1520
[Cutting from a Missal: Init
Matteo da Milano
The Art Institute of Chicago
Bust of an Old Woman
Giovanni Angelo Montorsoli
The Detroit Institute of Art …
c. 1523
The Circumcision
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 1510-1520
Inkwell and Candlestick
Severo di Ravenna
The Frick Collection
n. d.
Madonna of Impruneta
Andrea della Robbia
National Gallery of Canada
c. 1530
Virgin and Child Enthroned w …
Giulio Romano
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 1530
The Unrepentant Thief
The Art Institute of Chicago
Kneeling Monastic Saint with …
Sogliani, Giovanni Antonio d …
The Minneapolis Institute of …
about 1525 - 1530
The Temptation of Christ
Titian (Tiziano Vecelli)
The Minneapolis Institute of …
1520 - 1525
David and Goliath
[Ugo da Carpi, after Raphael
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
circa 1520 - 1525
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
1520 - 1525
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
circa 1520 - 1525
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
circa 1520 - 1525
Plate with bearded man
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 1500-1525
Brigandine (front panel)
Italy (?), c. 1500 - 1525