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Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
P.I.N. 18050; Ravenna, Emili …
Leopoldo Alinari
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
The Reaper
D.E. Angelis
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Tomba di Scaligeri, Verona
E. Bressanini
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
5039 Pompei, Casa di Corneli …
Giacomo Brogi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
3646 Roma, Arco di Settimio …
Giacomo Brogi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Bataille des Cimbres, after …
Saro Cucinotta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Mountain Landscape
after Carlo Brisighella Eism …
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
The Doge of Venice Receiving …
after Francesco Guardi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
The Giudecca(Venice)
manner of Giacomo Guardi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Piazza San Marco, Looking We …
manner of Giacomo Guardi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Piazza San Marco with Clockt …
manner of Giacomo Guardi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Piazza with St. Mark's(Venic …
manner of Giacomo Guardi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
The Piazzetta, Looking to th …
manner of Giacomo Guardi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
pl. 15 from Memorial exercis …
Giovanni Paolo Lasinio
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
pl. 13 from Memorial exercis …
Giovanni Paolo Lasinio
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
pl. 14 from Memorial exercis …
Giovanni Paolo Lasinio
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
St. Peter's, Rome
Giuseppe Ninci
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Romantic Landscape
Antonio de Pian
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Battle of the Horatii and th …
Bartolomeo Pinelli
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Lepidus, Octavius and Marc A …
Bartolomeo Pinelli
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
A Ghost Appearing to Brutus …
Bartolomeo Pinelli
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Rio della Latte
Paolo Salviati
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Landscape with Horses and Pe …
Giovanni Segantini
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Soldiers' Quarters, Pompeii
Giorgio Sommer
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
1206 Tempio di Mercurio, Pom …
Giorgio Sommer
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Footed plate (reproduction)