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Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Bateau de peche tire sur la …
Louis Adolphe Hervier
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
L'amour et le Mort
Alphonse Hirsch
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Cour Normande dans le Vallee …
Paul Huet
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Le Midi
Paul Huet
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Bords de riviere; ?
Paul Huet
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Souvenir de Saint Valery sur …
Eugène Isabey
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Paysage - Peche a la ligne
Charles Emile Jacque
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Landscape with Trees
Charles Emile Jacque
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Landscape with Cows
Charles Emile Jacque
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Jules Ferdinand Jacquemart
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Vue D'Hennebont (Morbihan)
Maxime Lalanne
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Menu Du Seigneur Laine (le m …
Ludovic-Napoléon Lepic
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Design for a table service
Ludovic-Napoléon Lepic
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Study for a "Chess Player"
Jean Louis Ernest Meissonier
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
The herd at the riverside
Jean François Millet
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Sheet of Sketches: Seated Pe …
after Jean François Millet
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Il Faut des assortis/An Inte …
Henri Bonaventure Monnier
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Danse Fantastique
Henri Bonaventure Monnier
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Cupid's Offering
Adolphe Joseph Thomas Montic …
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Young Girl with a Cat
Berthe Marie Pauline Morisot
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
A une jeune fille
Célestin Nanteuil
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Chaque age a ses plaisirs . …
Pierre Numa
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Plate Illustrating the Myth …
Bernard Palissy
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Achille Quinet
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Mounted General
Auguste Raffet
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
L'Aide de cuisine
Théodule Augustin Ribot
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Louis-Antoine-Leon Riesener
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
English Park Scene
after Hubert Robert
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Woodland Landscape
Théodore Rousseau
The Minneapolis Institute of …
19th century
Half-nude Female with Torch
School of Redon
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Landscape with Riders
Marquis de Seve
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Landscape, after Annibale Ca …
F. Torond
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
19th century
Textile fragment
Artist not recorded
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Roman Campagna
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Fariboles:-Pourquoi me mener …
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Lion de Nubie et sa Proie (s …
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Reunion des Dames Anglaises
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Allegorical Composition
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Study of a Fountain Figure
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Procession, copy after a Bas …
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Passage De La Beresina
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Debarquement A Courbevoie
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Barnyard Scene
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Academic Male Nude
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Cherubs Riding a Dolphin
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Cherubs Riding Dolphin/ v: C …
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Devil and Farmer's Family
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Hadrian's Villa, Tivoli
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
19th century
Soldier of the Revolution