Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th - 17th century
St. Catherine
Giovanni Baglione
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
circa 1686
Girolamo Cornaro, Procurator
Alessandro Paolo Abbiati
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Muse of Painting and the Art
attrib. to Francesco Albani
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th - 17th century
Angel Supporting the Body of
Cherubino Alberti
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th - 17th century
copy in reverse of The Rape
after Cherubino Alberti
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th - 17th century
copy in reverse of The Rape
after Cherubino Alberti
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th - 17th century
copy in reverse of The Trium
after Cherubino Alberti
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16 - 17th century
The Triumph of Two Roman Emp
Cherubino Alberti
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16 - 17th century
The Triumph of Two Roman Emp
Cherubino Alberti
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
The Assumption of the Virgin
Cherubino Alberti
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
The Holy Family, after Franc
Cherubino Alberti
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
Festoons Held by Two Putti,
Cherubino Alberti
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17 - 18th century
copy in reverse of Venus Tri
Cherubino Alberti
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
Expulsion of Adam and Eve
Cherubino Alberti
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
Winged Genius Gesturing and
Cherubino Alberti
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
19th century
P.I.N. 18050; Ravenna, Emili
Leopoldo Alinari
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Tomyris and Cyrus
attrib. to Francesco Allegri
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
A Group of Putti, studies fo
Pomponio Amalteo
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th - 17th century
St. Christopher Reaching Dow
Francesco Amato
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th - 17th century
St. Joseph Reading to the In
Francesco Amato
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
The Rest on the Flight into
Francesco Amato
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
The Holy Family
Francesco Amato
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
St. Jerome in the Desert
Francesco Amato
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
mid 18th century
Zephyr and Flora
Jacopo Amigoni
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
circa 1740 - 1750
Jupiter and Callisto
Jacopo Amigoni
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
circa 1870
Royal Palace, Naples
Michele Amodio
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
circa 1870
Royal Palace, Naples
Michele Amodio
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
circa 1600
Beheading of St. John the Ba
after Andrea del Sarto
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16 - 17th century
The Adoration of the Magi
Andrea Andreani
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16 - 17th century
The Christian Hero
Andrea Andreani
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
Christ Led Away from Pontius
Andrea Andreani
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
The Captives
Andrea Andreani
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
Veduta di Porta Castello, pl
Paolo Anesi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
Veduta della Madonna del Ros
Paolo Anesi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
Veduta della Madonna del Ros
Paolo Anesi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
mid 18th century
Landscape with a Meandering
Paolo Anesi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
mid 18th century
Landscape with Coastline
Paolo Anesi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
circa 1430
The Meeting of St. Francis a
Fra Angelico
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
Hercules Struggling with the
Domenico de Angelis
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
19th century
The Reaper
D.E. Angelis
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
circa 1520
Hercules Slaying the Lernaea
Circle of Antico
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Palladis and the Sirens, aft
Pietro Aquila
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Dedication Page from the ser
Pietro Aquila
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
The Virgin Appearing to Sain
Pietro Aquila
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
Pompeo dell'Aquila
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Francesca Bacci
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
Jacob and Laban with Leah an
Sisto Badalocchio
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th - 17th century
Giovanni Baglione
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th - 17th century
Group of Musicians
Giovanni Baglione
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16 - 17th century
Recto: Angel Playing a Lute
Giovanni Baglione