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Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
circa 1886
An Exact Weight
Henry Alexander
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
circa 1886
White and Pink Roses
John White Alexander
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
Flame Tokay Grapes
Edwin Deakin
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
circa 1882
Paper Mill Creek, Marin Coun …
Thomas Hill
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
The Luck of Roaring Camp
Oscar Kunath
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
Portrait of a Dog
Matilda Lotz
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
Caroline de Bassano, Marquis …
John Singer Sargent
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
Portrait of James Albert Cla …
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
1882 - 1884
The Muse of Music
Julian Alden Weir
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
The Pier: A Grey Note
James Abbott McNeill Whistle …