Browse All : Drawings and Watercolors by Beerbohm, Max and Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco

1-6 of 6
Sketch for "Si Vieillesse Pouvait", pl. 34 of A Survey (publ. 1921)
Sir Max Beerbohm
Sketch for "Si Vieilles...
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Sir Max Beerbohm
Sketch for "Si Vieillesse Pouvait", pl. 34 of A Survey (publ. 1921)
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Sketch for "The Trick Election of 1918", pl. 21 of A Survey (publ. 1921)
Sir Max Beerbohm
Sketch for "The Trick E...
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Sir Max Beerbohm
Sketch for "The Trick Election of 1918", pl. 21 of A Survey (publ. 1921)
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
When Labour Rules
Sir Max Beerbohm
When Labour Rules
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Sir Max Beerbohm
When Labour Rules
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Lord Kitchener of Khartoum
Sir Max Beerbohm
Lord Kitchener of Khart...
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Sir Max Beerbohm
Lord Kitchener of Khartoum
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Sir William Harcourt
Sir Max Beerbohm
Sir William Harcourt
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Sir Max Beerbohm
Sir William Harcourt
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Mr. Nettleship
Sir Max Beerbohm
Mr. Nettleship
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Sir Max Beerbohm
Mr. Nettleship
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
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