Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
The Triumph of Scipio, after
Bernardo Daddi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
The Victory of Scipio over S
Bernardo Daddi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
Daphne Embracing her Father,
Bernardo Daddi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
River Gods Consoling Peneus
Bernardo Daddi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
Naval Battle, after Giulio R
Bernardo Daddi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
Psyche Taken to a Deserted M
Bernardo Daddi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
Two Cupids Mocking a Monkey,
Bernardo Daddi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
The Victory of Scipio Over S
Bernardo Daddi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
Psyche Taken to a Deserted M
Bernardo Daddi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
Cupid Fleeing From Psyche, p
Bernardo Daddi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
Juno Sending Psyche Away, pl
Bernardo Daddi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
Psyche Embarks in Charon's B
Bernardo Daddi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
Apollo and Marsyas, after Ra
Bernardo Daddi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
Apollo and Marsyas, after Ra
Bernardo Daddi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
Apollo and Marsyas, after Ra
Bernardo Daddi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
Apollo and Marsyas, after Ra
Bernardo Daddi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
Sacrifice to Priapus, after
Bernardo Daddi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
River Gods Consoling Peneus
Bernardo Daddi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
Aeneas and Anchises, after t
Bernardo Daddi