A.H. Heisey & Company
Adie Brothers, Ltd.
Africa, Grassfields, Baba
Ahearn, John
Aitken, Doug
Allen, Bob
Altdorfer, Albrecht
Altrohlau Porzellanfabrik
American Limoges Company
Anchor Hocking Glass Comp
Anderson, Winslow
Angola, Chokwe
Angola, Lwena
Angola, Mbundu
Anthony, Eliza
Apfelbaum, Polly
Arowogun Of Osi-ilorin
Austin, Dorothy
Badger, Joseph
Bagnall, Sr., Benjamin
Bates, David
Batoni, Pompeo
Bazille, Frederic
Becher, Bernd
Becher, Hilla
Beert, Osias
Bell, Larry
Bellows, George
Benedict, Matthew
Bennison, Jane
Benouville, Jean-Achille
Bernard, Emile
Beulet, F.
Biederman, Charles
Bierstadt, Albert
Billings, Henry
Bird, Harry
Blake, William
Boeotia, Greek
Boston and Sandwich Glass
Boudin, Eugene-Louis
Bowling, Charles
Bracquemond, Félix
Brants, Cynthia
Brastoff, Sascha
Bricher, Alfred Thompson
Brown, Mary C.
Burchfield, Charles
Burne-Jones Edward
Butterfield, Deborah
Bywaters, Jerry
C. Dorflinger and Sons
Cambodia (Kampuchea), Khm
Cambridge Glass Company
Cameroon Grasslands area,
Cameroon, Fumban City Pal
Cameroon, Grassfields
Cameroon, Grasslands area
Cameroon, village of Banj
Canada, British Columbia,
Canal, Giovanni Antonio
Canova, Antonio
Carder, Frederick
Carlsen, Emil
Carnohan, Harry
Caro, Anthony
Carpeaux, Jean-Baptiste
Cassatt, Mary
Central India
Ceramic Art Company
Cezanne, Paul
Chambers, Thomas
Charak Furniture Co.
Chase, William
Chauvin, Pierre-Anthanase
Christenberry, William
Chu, Anne
Church, Frederic Edwin
Codman, William C.
Cole, Thomas
Cole, Willie
Colombia, Calima region
Colombia, Tairona region
Colonial Mexico or Guatem
Company of Master Craftsm
Connell, Clyde
Consolidated Lamp & Glass
Cooper, Colin
Copeland & Sons, Ltd.
Copley, John Singleton
Corning Glass Works
Cornoyer, Paul
Corona Furnace
Costa Rica, Diquis region
Cote d'Ivoire, Senufo Peo
Courbet, Gustave
Cowan, R. Guy
Cox, John
Cox, Jones
Coypel, Antoine
Curtis, Robert John
D. F. Haynes and Company
Da, Popovi
Dallas Museum of Art
Dammouse, Albert
Darge, Fred
Daum Freres & Cie
Daumier, Honoré
Daumier, Honoré-Victorin
Davie, Alan
Davies, Arthur
Davis, Theodore R.
de Goya y Lucientes, Fran
De Lamerie, Paul
de Pereda, Antonio
de Troy, Jean
Degas, Edgar
Degas, Edgar Germain Hila
Democratic Republic of th
Democratic Republic of th
Democratic Republic of th
Democratic Republic of th
Democratic Republic of th
Demuth, Charles
Dewing, Thomas
Di Suvero, Mark
Diamond, Freda
Diaz de la Pena, Narcisse
Diebenkorn, Richard
Doherty, Willie
Dozier, Otis
Dreyfuss, Henry
Driver, Rose
Duncan-Miller Glass Co.
Duveneck, Frank
Dürer, Albrecht
Eakins, Thomas
Eames, Charles
Eames, Ray
Earl, Ralph
Edmonds, Francis William
Eisenlohr, Edward
Eisuke, Jomi
Ekaku, Hakuin
Electrolux Corporation
Ellis, Dean
Epstein, Jacob
Evans Products Company
Fabritius, Barent
Fantin-Latour, Ignace Hen
Farber Brothers
Farnham, Paulding
Faulhaber, Patrick
Federal Glass Company
Fisher, Vernon
Fleck, Joseph
Flintridge China Company
Fontebasso, Francesco
Fornasetti, Piero
Forsyth, Constance
Fostoria Glass Company
Franciscan Dinnerware Di
Frederick Elkington & Co.
Friedman Silver Company
Fuerst, Edwin
Fuerst, Edwin W.
Fuseli, Johann
Gabon, Fang
Gabon, Fang people
Gabon, Kota
Gabon, Sango
Gabon/People's Republic o
Galvan, Jesus
Gauguin, Paul
Geffert, Harry
Georg Jensen Silversmithy
George Nelson Associates
Ghana, Asante
Gilkes, John
Gilpin, Thomas
Girodet, Anne-Louis
Giroust, Jean Antoine The
Gladding, McBean and Com
Gogh, Vincent van
Goldmann, Emil
Gole, Pierre
Gorham Manufacturing Com
Gouyn, Charles
Grammer, George
Grant, J.
Grant, Mary
Gray, Mary E.
Greene, Charles Sumner
Greene, Henry Mather
Greuze, Jean-Baptiste
Guild, Lurelle
Guinea, Baga
Gullager, Christian
Gummelt, Sam
Guston, Philip
Hackett, Kay
Hackney, Frederick
Hael Workshops for Artist
Hafner, Dorothy
Haley, Reuben
Hall China Company
Hall, Nigel
Harker Pottery
Harnett, William Michael
Harrison, Caroline
Hassam, Childe
Havel, Joseph
Haviland & Co.
Haviland and Company
Havis, Kenneth
Hazel Atlas Glass Company
Heath Ceramics, Inc.
Heath, Edith Kiertener
Heinrich, Joseph
Henk, Ernest
Henri, Robert
Hepworth, Barbara
Herman Miller Manufacturi
Herter Brothers
Heymann-Marks, Margarete
Hicks, Edward
Higgins, Victor
Hiler, Hilaire
Hiremy-Hirschl, Adolf
Hirsch, Stefan
Hochu, Nokamura
Hodges, Jim
Hodler, Ferdinand
Hogan, Nan
Hogarth, William
Hogue, Alexandre
Hoitsu, Sakai
Holmes, Frank
Holmes, Frank G.
Homer Laughlin China Com
Homer, Winslow
Hopper, Edward
Horndeski, Gregory
Horner, R. J.
House of Jansen
House, Elliott
Hubbard, Bess
Huddle, William
Hunter, Clementine
Hunter, Robert Francis
Hunter, Russel
Huntington, Anna
Imperial Glass Corporatio
Indiana Glass Company
Indonesia, Lesser Sunda I
Indonesia, Mentawai Islan
Indonesia, Southeast Molu
Indonesia, Sulawesi, Sout
Indonesia, Sulawesi, Sout
Indonesia, Sumatra, North
Indonesia, Sumatra, North
Indonesia, western Southe
Inland Glass Works
Inness, George
International Ticket Scal
Interpace Corporation
Iroquois China Company
Iroquois Pottery
Irwin, Frank
Irwin, Rodney C.
Ivory Coast, Baule
Ivory Coast, Senufo (Sien
J. Mrazek Peasant Art Ind
James W. Tufts Co.
James, George T.
Jarvis, John
Jeannette Glass Company
Jensen, Bill
Jingdezhen, China
Johannes Hansen M?belsned
Johnson Brothers
Johnson, Eastman
Jongkind, Johan
Josiah Wedgwood Factory
Justin Tharaud & Sons
Kampuchea (Cambodia), Ang
Kelly, Ellsworth
Kelly, H.
Kensett, John Frederick
Kent, Rockwell
Kinjiro, Adachi
Klee, Paul
Klepper, Frank
Koerner, Henry
Kändler, Johann Joachim
Köllwitz, Kæthe
Lacy, Jean
Lawrence, Thomas
Lea, Tom
Legrand, Pierre
Leigh Potters, Inc.
Leighton, Clare
Lennon, Lynn
Lenox China
Lenox Design Department
Lester, William
Levine, Sherrie
Libbey Glass Company
Lichtenstein, Roy
Liebermann, Max
Lilja, Ernest L.
Lindstrand, Vicke
Lipchitz, Jacques
Lissitzky, El
Lockwood, John
Loew, Michael
Lord, Andrew
Louis, Morris
Luce, Jean
Luce, Maximilian
Lund, Otto
Mabe, Manabu
Macbeth-Evans Glass Compa
Magee, James
Majorelle, Louis
Malevich, Kazimir
Mali, Dogon
Manet, Edouard
Manet, Édouard
Mangold, Sylvia
Mapplethorpe, Robert
Martin, John
Martinez, Alfredo Ramos
Martinez, Maria
Mauzey, Merritt
McClung, Florence
McCobb, Paul
Medellin, Octavio
Meier, Richard
Meissen Porcelain Manufac
Meissonier, Jean-Louis-Er
Merle, Hugues
Metcalf, Willard
Metlox Potteries
Metope Group
Mexico, state of Chihuahu
Mexico, state of Coahuila
Mexico, state of Guerrero
Mexico, state of Guerrero
Mexico, state of Jalisco,
Mexico, state of Puebla,
Midwinter, Roy
Mignard, Nicholas
Miller, Alfred
Millet, Jean
Minne, George
Miyajima, Tatsuo
Miyao Company
Modigliani, Amedeo
Mondrian, Piet
Monet, Claude
Montecelli, Adolphe
Moore, Edward
Moore, Edward C.
Moran, Thomas
Morgantown Glass Guild
Morgantown Glass Works
Morisot, Berthe
Moskowitz, Robert
Mrazek, Joseph
Muba, Voania
Mueller, Karl L.H.
Murphy, Charles
Murray, Keith
Nash, A. Douglas
Nelson, Leonard
Nichols, Perry
Nigeria, Afikpo area, Eas
Nigeria, Cham people
Nigeria, Delta area, Abua
Nigeria, Ibo
Nigeria, Keaka
Nigeria, Lower Niger bron
Nigeria, Nok/Sokoto
Nigeria, Oron
Noritake Company
Northern Industrial Chemi
Old Bryce Factory or Leno
Oldenburg, Claes
Olsen, Thorkild
Onderdonk, Julian
Onderdonk, Robert
Onondaga Pottery Company
Orrefors Crystal
Otero, Alejandro
Owen, Michael
Ozeki Company
Pairpoint Manufacturing C
Pakistan, Gandharan regio
Panama, Azuero Peninsula
Paolini, Pietro
Papua New Guinea, Middle
Parazette, Aaron
Parzinger, Tommi
Peale, Charles
Peale, James
Peale, Rembrandt
Pechstein, Max
Pereira, I.
Peru, Loreto province, Ch
Peru, north coast, Cupisn
Peru, north coast, Jepete
Peru, north coast, Jequet
Peru, north-central coast
Peru, south coast, Huari-
Peru, south coast, Nasca
Peru, south coast, Paraca
Peru, Spanish Colonial cu
Peter Hall Manufacturing
Peto, John Frederick
Philipp Rosenthal & Co.
Pickard China
Pierre, Jean Baptiste Mar
Pineda, Antonio
Piranesi, Giovanni
Pissarro, Camille
Pomara, John
Popova, Liubov
possibly Agra, India
Potosi, Bolivia
Pottier & Stymus Manufact
Powers, Hiram
PP M?bler
Prendergast, Maurice
Prinner, Anton
Printz, Eugene
Prip, John
Procaccini, Giulio Cesare
Purinton Pottery Company
Putzkin, Paul
Ranney, William Tylee
Reaugh, Frank
Red Wing Potteries
Redon, Odilon
Reed & Barton
Reeder, Dickson
Renoir, Pierre Auguste
Renoir, Pierre-Auguste
Reynolds, Joshua
Rhead, Fredrick
Richard Ginori Porcelain
Richter, Gerhard
Riddell, Crawford
Riley, Mrs B. W.
Robertson, H.
Rockwell Silver Company
Rodin, Auguste
Roesen, Severin
Rohde, Gilbert
Rohde, Johan
Rosenthal Glas und Porzel
Rosetsu, Nagasawa
Roseville Pottery
Rousseau, Théodore
Royal China Company
Royal Copenhagen Porcelai
Rundell, Philip
Russell, Morgan
Rust, Henry
Saftleven, Cornelis
Sakier, George
Sandwich Glass Company
Sargent, John Singer
Sascha Brastoff Products
Savage, Edward
Schiele, Egon
Schreckengost, Donald
Schumann, Christian
Scully, Sean
Seibel, Ben
Sellors, Evaline
Seneca Glass Company
Sennhauser, John
Serusier, Paul
Seurat, Georges
Shan, T'ung
Shaw, Mel
Shaw, Mrs. Fannie B.
Sheeler, Charles
Shelley Potteries, Ltd.
Shenango Pottery
Sherman, Cindy
Sierra Leone, Tcham, Mend
Simkins, Martha
Sinel, Joseph
Sisley, Alfred
Skinner, Frances
Slater, Eric
Smibert, John
Smith, Emily
Solt, Charles
Soto, Ishmael
South Africa, Transvaal p
Southern Potteries, Inc.
Soyer, Isaac
Spellman, Coreen
Spruce, Everett
St. James's Factory
Stabler, Harold
Stack, Gael
Stangl Pottery
Stautberg, Ann
Steir, Pat
Stella, Joseph
Steuben Glass Works
Steubenville Pottery
Stevens, Alfred
Story, William Wetmore
Stout, Renee
Struth, Thomas
Stuart, Gilbert
Stuempfig, Walter
Sturdy-Lange Art Glass St
Sully, Thomas
Surls, James
Sutherland, Graham
Sutherland, GrahamOsman,
Sutton, Thomas
Sweerts, Michael
Tanzania, Makonde people
Tanzania, Southern Lake V
Taylor, Smith, and Taylor
Teague, Walter Dorwin
Tennant, Allie
The Aberdeen Painter
The American Thermos Bott
The Underworld Painter
Theus, Jeremiah
Thomas Wilkinson and Sons
Thomas, S.
Thompson, George
Tiffany & Company
Tiffany Studios
Tiffany, Louis Comfort
Tiffin Glass Works
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri
Tressemanes & Vogt
Tryon, Dwight
Turnball, Gale
Turnbull, Gale
Turner, Joseph Mallord Wi
Tyler, Harry
U.S. Glass Company
Union Porcelain Works
United States
United States Pottery Com
United States, Alaska, Yu
United States, Arizona, A
United States, Arizona, H
United States, Arizona, H
United States, Arizona, N
United States, Mora area,
United States, New Mexico
United States, southweste
Universal Potteries, Inc.
Unknown factory
Upper Volta, Bobo
Upper Volta, Bwa
Utter, Bror
Vallayer-Coster, Anne
Vallotton, Félix Edouard
Van Bruggen, Coosje
Van Gogh, Vincent
van Rijn, Rembrandt
Van Rysselberghe, Theo
Vassos, John
Vernet, Claude-Joseph
Vernon Kilns Pottery
Vincennes Porcelain Manuf
Viola, Bill
Vogel, Donald
von Nessen, Walter
Vuillard, Edouard
Vuillard, Édouard
W. R. Midwinter Ltd.
W.T. Copeland & Sons
Wade, Bob
Waldo, SamuelJewett, Will
Wallace Brothers Silver C
Waugh, Sidney
Weber, Kem
Weeks, Edwin
Wegner, Hans J.
Weir, Julian
West, Benjamin
Westbrooke, Caleb
Weuste, Louisa
Whipham, Thomas
Whistler, James Abbott Mc
Wilcox, John
Wildenhain, Marguerite
Wilkinson, George
Willets Manufacturing Com
Williamson, Clara M.
Wolfe, Steve
Woodward, James
Worcester Royal Porcelain
Wright, Charles
Wright, Russel
Wyant, Alexander
Wyeth, Andrew
Wyeth, N.
Wyeth, N. C.
Yorke, Edward
Zaire, Bembe
Zaire, Boma
Zeisel, Eva
Zeisel, Eva for Sears & R
Browse All
Images by Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
George W. Bellows
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
George W. Bellows
The Murder of Edith Cavell
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
George W. Bellows
Emma in a Purple Dress
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Matthew Benedict
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Jean-Achille Benouville
Colosseum Viewed from the Palatine
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Emile Bernard
Bridge at Pont-Aven, 1891
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Emile Bernard
Breton Women at Prayer
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
[F. Beulet, Pickard China, Altrohlau Porzellanfabriken Moritz Zdekauer]
Pitcher with "Lillium Ornatum" pattern
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Charles Biederman
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Albert Bierstadt
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Henry Billings
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
[Harry Bird, Vernon Kilns Pottery]
'Montecito' shape plate with 'Tropical Fish' pattern decoration
Creation Date
designed c. 1935
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
William Blake
Satan before the Throne of God, from the Book of Job
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Boeotia, Greek
Kothon, Black-Figure Tripod
Creation Date
6th Century BC
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Boston and Sandwich Glass Company
Lafayette Boat Salt
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Eugene-Louis Boudin
The Quay at Antwerp
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Charles T. Bowling
Mason County Landscape
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Charles T. Bowling
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Charles T. Bowling
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
[Felix Bracquemond, Albert Dammouse, Haviland & Co.]
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Cynthia Brants
Landscape at Boerne, Texas
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
[Sascha Brastoff, Sascha Brastoff Products Inc.]
'Fine China' shape teapot with 'Roman Coin' pattern
Creation Date
designed c. 1956
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Alfred Thompson Bricher
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Charles E. Burchfield
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones
The Pilgrim at the Gate of Idleness
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Deborah Butterfield
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Jerry Bywaters
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Jerry Bywaters
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Jerry Bywaters
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Jerry Bywaters
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Jerry Bywaters
Texas Town, Colorado
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
C. Dorflinger and Sons
Oil lamp with 'Russian' pattern decoration
Creation Date
Brilliant Period, c. 1885
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Cambodia (Kampuchea), Khmer
Creation Date
A.D. 9th-10th Centuries
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Cambridge Glass Company
Tumbler set with stand
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Cambridge Glass Company
'Cambridge Square' pattern dessert plate
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Cambridge Glass Company
'Cambridge Square' pattern sherbet dish
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Cambridge Glass Company
'Cambridge Square' pattern ice tea glass
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Cambridge Glass Company
'Cambridge Square' pattern water glass
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Cambridge Glass Company
'Cambridge Square' pattern juice glass
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Cameroon Grasslands area, Bamileke people
Creation Date
First half of the 20th Century
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Cameroon, Fumban City Palace, Bamun people
Creation Date
First half of the 20th Century
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Cameroon, Grassfields
Creation Date
20th Century
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Cameroon, Grasslands area, Bamun people
Creation Date
First half of the 20th Century
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Cameroon, village of Banjoun (?), Bamileke
Creation Date
c. 1910-1930
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Cameroon, village of Banjoun (?), Bamileke
Hat for elephant mask
Creation Date
c. 1910-1930
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Canada, British Columbia, Queen Charlotte Islands, Haida people
Long-beaked bird with crouching figure and masks
Creation Date
mid-19th Century
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Antonio Canal
A View from the Fondamenta Nuova Looking Towards Murano
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Antonio Canova
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Emil Carlsen
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Harry Carnohan
West Texas Landscape
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art