Abbey, Edwin Austin
Achenbach, Moore S.
Aldrin, Anders
Alinari, Leopoldo
Allen, James Baylis
Anderson, James
Angelis, Domenico de
Anisfeld, Boris
Anshutz, Thomas Pollock
Anthony, Edward
Appian, Adolphe
Armington, Caroline
Armstrong, Charles
Ashford Brothers and Comp
Aubert, François
Baillie, James S.
Bakst, Leon
Ball, Wilfrid Williams
Ballin, Auguste
Barclay, John Rankine
Barlach, Ernst
Barotte, Leon
Baskett, Charles Henry
Baumann, Gustave
Bazin, Charles-Louis
Beaumont, Edouard de
Beaumont, Leonard
Bedford, Francis
Beerbohm, Max
Bejot, Eugene
Bellanger, Camille-Felix
Benjamin (Benjamin Roubau
Bentley, Alfred
Berlandina, Jane
Bernard, Emile
Besnard, Albert
Bichebois, Pierre Louis P
Bicknell, Albion Harris
Bida, Alexandre
Blanch, Arnold
Blery, Eugène-Stanislas-A
Blundell, Alfred Richard
Boggs, Frank Myers
Bone, David Muirhead
Bonfils, Félix
Bonington, Richard Parkes
Borein, Edward
Borg, Carl Oscar
Bormann, Emma
Born, Ernest Alexander
Bosio, François Joseph
Bouchène, Dmitri
Bouquet, Auguste
Bourdelle, Emile-Antoine
Boydell, John
Boys, Thomas Shotter
Brabazon, Hercules Brabaz
Bracquemond, Félix
Bradley & Rulofson
Bradshaw, S.
Brandard, Robert
Brangwyn, Frank
Bresdin, Rodolphe
Bressanini, E.
Bresslern-Roth, Norberti
Bright, Henry
Briscoe, Arthur-John-Trev
Britton & Co./ Britton &
Brockhurst, Gerald Leslie
Brogi, Giacomo
Brothers, Harold John
Brown, Bolton
Brown, George Loring
Brunet-Debaines, Alfred L
Buckman, Percy W. I.
Buhot, Felix Hilaire
Buhot, Félix-Hilaire
Burne-Jones, Edward
Butler, Theodore
Cadart, Alfred
Cadenasso, Giuseppe
Callot, Jacques
Cameron, David Young
Cameron, William R.
Cartwright, Thomas
Cary, W.M.
Cassidy, Ira Diamond Gera
Cham (Amédée Charles Henr
Chamberlayne, William Joh
Charpentier, Alexander-Lo
Chase, Lorenzo B.
Chase, William Merritt
Chassériau Théodore
Cheffetz, Asa
Chenevard, Paul
Cheney, Philip
Chiura, Obata
Church, Frederic Edwin
Chéret, Jules
Cole, J. Foxcroft
Cole, Timothy
Conder, Charles
Constant, Jean Joseph Ben
Cooper, G.V.
Copley, John
Costigan, John
Courbet, Gustave
Cousins, Samuel
Couture, Thomas
Cox, H.F.
Crane, Walter
Cropsey, Jasper Francis
Cross, Henri-Edmond
Crowquill, Alfred Henry F
Cucinotta, Saro
Currier and Ives
Currier, Nathaniel
Cuvelier, Eugene
D'Oyley, J.
Dalou, Aime-Jules
Dannequin, Alfred-Joseph
Dannhauser, Jean Eduard
Daubigny, Charles Françoi
Daubigny, Charles-Françoi
Daubigny, Karl Pierre
Daugherty, James Henry
Daumier, Honoré-Victorin
Davies, Arthur Bowen
Day, Charles William
Dehn, Adolf Arthur
Delauney, Alfred-Alexandr
Delaware, Lady Henrietta
Delorme, George
Denison, Harold T.
Depenne, C.F. (de Penne)
Deroche, Mathieu
Desbois, Jules
Desbrosses, Léopold
Desprez, Louis-Jean
Detaille, Jean-Baptiste-E
Detel, Leon
Devambez, Andre-Victor-Ed
Devéria, Achille
Diaz de la Peña, Narcisse
Disdéri, André Adolphe Eu
Dolan, Philip
Doré, Gustave
Dougherty, Paul
Driggs, Elsie
Drouart, Maurice Raphael
Duez, Ernest Ange
Dughet, Gaspard (Gaspard
Dumong, F. W.
Dupont, Pieter
Dupré, Julien
Durand, Charles Emile Aug
Durand, G.
Durandelle, Louis-Émile
Dye, Clarkson
East, Alfred
Eby, Kerr
Eishi, Chobunsai
Eismann, Carlo Brisighell
Ekenaes, Jahn
Elliot & Fry
Epstein, Jacob
Fabergé, Peter Carl
Fabri, Ralph
Falconer, Thomas
Falk, Benjamin
Fantin-Latour, Ignace-Hen
Fantin-Latour, Victoria D
Farrer, Henry
Faville, William Baker
Ferogio, Francois Fortune
Filhon, Paul
Fine Arts Museums of S
Fisher, Hugo Anton
Fitton, Hedley
Flint, Willam Russell
Forain, Jean-Louis
Fortuny Y Carbo, Mariano
Fragonard, Jean Honoré
Français, François-Louis
Frey, Johann Jakob
Frisch, Victor
Frith, Francis
Frost, Isaac
Frost, William Edward
Fry, Elliot
Fuchs, Louis Joseph Gusta
Fujimori, Shizuo
Gaillard, Claude Ferdinan
Gallagher, Sears
Gaskell, George Percival
Gaudier-Brzeska, Henri
Gauguin, Paul
Gaul, August
Gautier, Lucien-Marcelli
Gavarni, Paul (Hippolyte-
Gillam, William Charles F
Gille, Christian Friedric
Gillett, Edward Frank
Giraud, Pierre-Francois E
Glackens, William James
Gleichen-Russwurm, Heinri
Goeneutte, Norbert
Goncourt, Jules De
Goyo, Hashiguchi
Grafström, Jonas Olof
Grandville (Jean Ignace I
Grant, Gordon Hope
Gray, Percy
Green, Henry Towneley
Groiseilliez, Marcelin de
Gropper, William
Grossman, Rudolph
Guardi, Francesco
Guardi, Giacomo
Guillaumet, Gustave Achil
Guillaumin, Jean Baptiste
Guindrand, Antoine
Gurney, Jeremiah
Guys, Constantin
Gérôme, Jean-Léon
Haden, Francis Seymour
Haghe, Louis
Hall, Oliver
Halm, Peter
Hamerton, Philip Gilbert
Hansen, Carl Armin
Hansen, Herman Wendelborg
Harlow, Louis Kinney
Harpignies, Henri-Joseph
Hart, George Overbury (Po
Haskell, Ernest
Hasler, Bernhard
Hastings, Captain Thomas
Hasui, Kawase
Hautecur, Jules
Havell, I.
Head, B.G.
Held, John Jr.
Helleu, Paul César
Henri, Robert
Herkomer, Hubert von
Hermann-Paul, René-George
Hervier, Louis-Adolphe
Hill, John Henry
Hill, Thomas
Hill, Vernon
Hirsch, Alphonse
Hofer, Karl
Hoger, Joseph
Hokusai, Katsushika
Holroyd, Sir Charles
Homer, Winslow
Houston, George
Howarth, Albany E.
Huet, Paul
Huet, Rene Ernest
Hyde, Helen
Hözel, Blas
Ide, John Jay
Inman, Henry
Isabey, Eugène
Israëls, Jozef
J. M.Kronheim & Co.
Jacque, Charles-Émile
Jacquemart, Jules Ferdina
Jakovlev, Alexandre
Jeannin, Georges
John, Augustus Edwin
Johnson, Joshua
Jongkind, Johan Barthold
Jouas, Charles
Kaelin, Charles Salis
Kasamatsu, Shiro
Kasimir, Luigi
Kauffmann, Herman
Kaumann, Hanx Ludwig Erne
Keene, Charles Samuel
Kent, Rockwell
King, H.N.
Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig
Klinger, Max
Kolbe, Carl-Wilhelm (the
Komjaty, Julius
Kunichika, Toyohara
Kuniyoshi, Utagawa
Kyosai (Gyosai)
La Farge, John
Lalanne, Maxime
Lamson, J.H.
Landseer, Edwin Henry
Lasinio, Giovanni Paolo
Lauber, Joseph
Lawrence, Thomas
Lawson, Robert
Le Sidaner, Henri-Eugène
Lebasque, Henri
Lederer, Fritz
Lederer, Hugo
Legrand, Louis Auguste Ma
Legros, Alphonse
Leheutre, Gustave
Leistikow, Walter
Lenthall, H.
Lepic, Ludovic-Napoléon
Lepère, Auguste Louis
Lewis, Allen
Lewis, John Frederick
Liebermann, Max
Lievrat, Leon-Henri
Linnell, William
Linton, William James
Lissitzky, El
Litten, Sidney Mackenzie
Locke, Charles Wheeler
Locke, W. R.
London Stereoscopic and P
Lound, Thomas
Low, David
Lozowick, Louis
Lucas, David
Luce, Maximilien
Lum, Bertha
Macbeth, Robert Walker
Macbeth-Raeburn, H.
Mackenzie, J. Hamilton
MacLaughlin, Donald Shaw
MacLeod, Douglas W.
Marak, Julius Eduard
Marret, Henri Justin
Marriott, Frederick
Mason, Frank H.
Mathews, Arthur Frank
McLachlan, Thomas Hope
Meissen Porcelain Manufac
Meissonier, Jean Louis Er
Melchers, Gari
Meseck, Felix
Metz, Conrad Martin
Meunier, Constantin Emile
Michalek, Ludwig
Michels, Vera
Miller, Lilian
Millet, Jean-François
Modigliani, Amedeo
Monnier, Henry Bonaventur
Monticelli, Adolphe Josep
Mora, Jose Maria
Moreau, Pierre Louis
Morisot, Berthe
Morland, George
Mucha, Alphonse Marie
Muzanne, Suzanne
Nahl, Charles Christian
Nahl, Perham W.
Nanteuil, Célestin Franço
Nash, Joseph
Nason, Thomas Willoughby
Newell, Peter
Nibbs, Richard Henry
Nicholson, William
Nicolson, John
Numa, Pierre
Orr, Louis
Osborne, Malcolm
Osgood, B.F.
Otis, George Demont
Pages, Jules Eugene
Palissy, Bernard
Palmer, Samuel
Parsons, Charles R.
Partridge, Roi
Patterson, Margaret Jorda
Pearsall, Richard Montagu
Pelenc, Simeon
Penfield, Edward
Pennell, Joseph
Perkins, Granville
Pescheret, Leon R.
Petersen, Martin
Petitjean, Hippolyte
Pian, Antonio de
Piazzoni, Gottardo F.P.
Pinelli, Bartolomeo
Pissarro, Camille
Pollak, Max
Poole, Horatio Nelson
Potthast, Edward Henry
Pranishnikoff, Ivan
Price, Garrett
Prior, Thomas Ariel
Prout, Samuel
Pyle, Howard
Quinet, Achille
Raeburn, Henry
Raffet, Denis-Auguste-Mar
Raphael, Joseph
Reinhart, Charles Stanley
Renouard, Charles-Paul
Rhead, Louis John
Ribot, Théodule Augustin
Richardson, George
Richmond, George
Riesener, Louis-Antoine-L
Riviere, Theodore
Rix, Julian
Robert, (Hubert) Marius
Roche, Pierre
Rockwood and Company, New
Rodin, Auguste
Roeder, Emy
Rooke, Thomas Mathew
Rops, Félicien Joseph Vic
Rosales, Emanuel O.
Rosenthal, Toby E.
Rousseau, Theodore
Roussel, Théodore
Rowlandson, Thomas
Royds, Mabel A.
Ruskin, John
Ryder, Albert Pinkham
Ryder, Worth
Rysselberghe, Theo Van
Régamey, Félix Elie
Saddler, John
Salviati, Francesco
Sandona, Matteo
Sarony, Napoleon
Sarony, Oliver Francois X
Schary, Harry A.
Schnakenberg, Henry
Schoenleber, Gustav
Schreyer, Adolphe
Segantini, Giovanni
Seve, Marquis de
Shannon, Charles Haslewoo
Shields, James Frederick
Short, Frank
Shrimpton, Ada Matilda
Shucho, Tamagawa
Shunzan, Katsukawa
Shuzan, Yoshimura
Siegriest, Louis B.
Signac, Paul
Simon, Franz T.
Simon, Jacques Roger
Simon, Lucien J.
Slevogt, Max
Smith, André J.
Smith, Henry Pember
Snyder, W.P.
Sommer, Giorgio
Sommier, Francois Clement
Sorine, Savely Abramswitc
Southworth, Albert Sands
Soyer, Raphael
Sparks, Will
Stackpole, Ralph
Staeger, Ferdinand
Steinlen, Théophile Alexa
Stern, Ernst
Stoll, John
Story, Ina Perham
Strang, William
Stuck, Franz von
Sébah, J. Pascal
Tebbs, Belinda Sarah
Thayer, Kelloggs
Thiel, Johannes
Thoma, Hans
Tischler, Victor
Tissandier, Albert
Todhunter, Francis
Torne, Jose
Torond, F.
Toshikata, Mizuno
Troubetskoy, Paul
Trumbull, Edward
Turner, Julius C.
Ubbelohde, Otto
Utagawa School
Utamaro, Kitagawa
Valentine, James
Vallotton, Félix Edouard
Van Sloun, Frank J.
van Vast, J.H.
Veyrassat, Jacques Jules
Volkmann, Hans Richard Vo
Voltz, Friedrich
von Steinle, Edward
Wachlmayr, Aloys (Aloys W
Walcot, William
Walery, Stanislaw
Walton, W. L.
Warlow, Herbert Gordon
Warren's Portraits, Bosto
Warren, William White
Washburn, Cadwallader
Watkins, Carleton E.
Watts, William Clothier
Webster, Herman Armour
Weir, Julian Alden
Wenglein, Josef
Wenzell, Albert Beck
West, William
Wilke, William Hancock
Willmore, James Tilbitts
Wilson, George Washington
Window & Grove
Winkler, John William Jos
Wire, T. Melville
Wolf, Henry
Wood, Enoch
Woodbury, Charles Herbert
Wright, John Buckland
Wyant, Alexander Helwig
Yamaguchi, Gen
Yon, Edmond Charles Josep
Young, C. Jac
Zeissing, Walter
Ziegler, Henry
Zorach, Marguerite Thomps
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Images by Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco and Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco from 1800
Creator Name-CRT
Henry Wolf
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Henry Wolf
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Henry Wolf
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Henry Wolf
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Henry Wolf
Rain bound under the porch of St. Vitaline
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Henry Wolf
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Henry Wolf
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Henry Wolf
The Sonata, after the painting by Irving Ramsay Wiles, now in the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco (1985.7)
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Henry Wolf
The Sonata, after the painting by Irving Ramsay Wiles, now in the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco (1985.7)
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Henry Wolf
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Enoch Wood
Creation Date
circa 1800 - 1810
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Enoch Wood
Creation Date
circa 1800 - 1810
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Charles Herbert Woodbury
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
John Buckland Wright
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Alexander Helwig Wyant
Creation Date
19th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Gen Yamaguchi
Composition with Sea Shells
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Edmond Charles Joseph Yon
Creation Date
19th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Edmond Charles Joseph Yon
Wooded area near a river
Creation Date
19th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Edmond Charles Joseph Yon
Creation Date
19th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Tametomo Crossing the Sea with the Priest Oniyasha as Guide
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Strolling from the series Thirty-two Customs and Manners
Creation Date
19th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Creation Date
19th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Warrior Leaping from a Roof
Creation Date
19th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Creation Date
19th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Creation Date
19th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Study for a Book Illustration
Creation Date
19th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Study for a Book Illustration
Creation Date
19th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Creation Date
19th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Young Couple Praying by a River -and- Young Woman Looking to her Right
Creation Date
19th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
C. Jac Young
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Walter Zeissing
Foggy Morning on the Seine, Paris
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Henry Ziegler
Cowboy watering Horses
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Marguerite Zorach
Sierras, back of Huntington Lake
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco