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Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
The Holy Family
Francesco Amato
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
St. Jerome in the Desert
Francesco Amato
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
Jacob and Laban with Leah an …
Sisto Badalocchio
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Rest on the Flight to Egypt
Bartolomeo Biscaino
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
The Finding of Moses
Bartolomeo Biscaino
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
mid 17th century
The Nativity with Angels
Bartolomeo Biscaino
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
mid 17th century
The Nativity
Bartolomeo Biscaino
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
The Ark of the Covenant Carr …
Orazio Borgiani
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
Joshua Commanding the Sun an …
Orazio Borgiani
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
The Lamentation Over the Dea …
Orazio Borgiani
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
A Consistory Showing the Int …
Ambrogio Brambilla
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Rest on the Flight into Egyp …
Simone Cantarini
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
St Anthony of Padua Adoring …
Simone Cantarini
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
Madonna and Child Beside a F …
Bernardino Capitelli
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
Chiesa de Frari, pl. 24 from …
Luca Carlevariis
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
St. Anthony of Padua
Giulio Carpioni
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
Christ of Caprarola
Annibale Carracci
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
circa 1647
Nativity with God the Father …
Giovanni Benedetto Castiglio …
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
The Raising of Lazarus
Salvatore Castiglione
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
The Journey Of Jacob Into Eg …
Stefano della Bella
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
The Flight Into Egypt
Stefano della Bella
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
circa 1641
The Flight Into Egypt
Stefano della Bella
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
The Crossing of the Red Sea, …
Orazio Farinati
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
16th century
The Magdalen
Paolo Farinati
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
The Wedding Feast at Cana, a …
Odoardo Fialetti
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
16th century
St John the Baptist Preachin …
Giambattista Fontana
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
16th century
The Holy Family on their Fli …
Giovanni Battista Franco
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
late 18th century
The Pilgrims
Gaetano Gandolfi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Virgin and Child with Saint …
Girolamo Imperiali
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
Angelos custos (Guardian Ang …
Girolamo Imperiali
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
The Guardian Angel
Girolamo Imperiali
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
The Flight into Egypt
attrib. to Giovanni Francesc …
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
The Rest on the Flight into …
Giovanni Francesco Grimaldi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
mid 17th century
The Mystic Marriage of St. C …
Carlo Maratti
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
The Baptism of Christ
Giovanni Battista Mercati
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
16th - 17th century
The Doubting Thomas (Incredu …
Palma Giovane (Jacopo Negret …
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Christ and the Woman Taken i …
after Palma Giovane (Jacopo …
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
St. Peter Delivered From Pri …
G. Petrignani
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
Veduta della Facciata della …
Giovanni Battista Piranesi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
Christ and the Samaritan Wom …
Attributed to Guido Reni
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
The Holy Family with St. Cla …
Guido Reni
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Holy Family with Two Angels
Guido Reni
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
Angels in Glory, after Luca …
Guido Reni
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
Veduta Generale del Tempio d …
Luigi Rossini
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
Saint Sebastian, after Anton …
Pietro Rotari
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
Joachim and Anna
Ventura Salimbeni
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
Marriage of the Virgin
Ventura Salimbeni
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
Joachim and Anna, copy after …
after Ventura Salimbeni
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
Saint Anne and Saint Joachim …
Raffaello Schiaminossi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
16th century
Jesus and St. John Embracing …
Andrea Schiavone (Andrea Mel …