Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Francesco Grimaldi
Landscape with a Column Shaft
Creation Date
17th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Francesco Grimaldi
Landscape with Two Men Standing Near a Seated Man
Creation Date
17th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
attrib. to Giovanni Francesco Grimaldi
The Flight into Egypt
Creation Date
17th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Francesco Grimaldi
Two Men on a Hillock, after Annibale Carracci
Creation Date
17th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Francesco Grimaldi
Two Boats
Creation Date
17th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Francesco Grimaldi
Landscape with Three Men Standing Near a Seated Man
Creation Date
17th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Francesco Grimaldi
Landscape With a Horseman and Boys Playing Cards
Creation Date
17th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Francesco Grimaldi
Landscape with Three Men Playing with Dice, after Annibale Carracci
Creation Date
17th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Francesco Grimaldi
Landscape with a Man Standing Near Two Seated Men, after Titian
Creation Date
17th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Francesco Grimaldi
Landscape with Three Men, after Titian
Creation Date
17th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Francesco Grimaldi
Landscape with a Lute Player, after Titian
Creation Date
17th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
after Giovanni Francesco Grimaldi
copy in reverse of Landscape with a Lute Player, after Titian
Creation Date
17th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Francesco Grimaldi
The Rest on the Flight into Egypt
Creation Date
17th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Francesco Grimaldi
Landscape with Two Horsemen Entering a Small Fort
Creation Date
17th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Francesco Grimaldi
Landscape with Three Boys by a Brook
Creation Date
17th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Filippo Juvarra
The Garden, plate 20 of the libretto for Scene III of the opera by Filippo Amidei, Teodosio il Giovane
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Lorenzo Loli
Cupid Breaking His Bow
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
after Francesco Londonio
Pastoral Scene
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
after Francesco Londonio
Pastoral Scene
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
after Francesco Londonio
Pastoral Scene
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
after Francesco Londonio
Pastoral Scene
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Francesco Londonio
A Shepherd with his Flock, from a series of Seventy etchings of Animals and Peasants
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Francesco Londonio
Plate 14 from a set of etchings of Animals and Peasants
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Francesco Londonio
From a set of etchings of Animals and Peasants
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Carlo Maratti
The Assumption of the Virgin
Creation Date
17th - 18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Carlo Maratti
The Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine
Creation Date
mid 17th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Michiel Marieschi
Campo San Rocco, plate 16 from the series Magnificentiores Selectioresque Urbis Venetiarum Prospectus
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Master F P
Woman Pouring from a Large Jug into a Ewer
Creation Date
16th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Master S.L. N.
Cupid Whipping a Satyr
Creation Date
17th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Battista Mercati
The Baptism of Christ
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Battista Mercati
A Santa Agneze (At Santa Agneze), pl. 3 from the series Alcune vedute et prospettive di luoghi dishabitati di Roma (Some Views and Perspectives of the Uninhabited Places of Rome)
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Battista Mercati
Veduta dallanfiteatro a St Stefano Rotondo (View from the Amphitheater towards S. Stefano Rotondo), pl. 13 from the series Alcune vedute et prospettive di luoghi dishabitati di Roma (Some Views and Perspectives of the Uninhabited Places of Rome)e
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Battista Mercati
Presso alla Navicella (Near the Navicella [Fountain], pl. 14 from the series Alcune vedute et prospettive di luoghi dishabitati di Roma (Some Views and Perspectives of the Uninhabited Places of Rome)e
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Battista Mercati
Listesso (The Same[(Near the Navicella Fountain]), pl. 15 from the series Alcune vedute et prospettive di luoghi dishabitati di Roma (Some Views and Perspectives of the Uninhabited Places of Rome)
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Battista Mercati
Dalla Saburra a Sta. Maria Magiore[sic] da j Zengari (From Saburra to S. Maria Maggiore from the Zengari), pl. 16 from the series Alcune vedute et prospettive di luoghi dishabitati di Roma (Some Views and Perspectives of the Uninhabited Places of Rome)
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Battista Mercati
Listesso (The Same [i.e. Camp Vaccino]), pl. 18 from the series Alcune vedute et prospettive di luoghi dishabitati di Roma (Some Views and Perspectives of the Uninhabited Places of Rome)
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Battista Mercati
Verso la Consolatione (Towards [S. Maria della] Consolatione), pl. 19 from the series Alcune vedute et prospettive di luoghi dishabitati di Roma (Some Views and Perspectives of the Uninhabited Places of Rome)
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Battista Mercati
Tempio pace (Temple of Peace), pl. 20 from the series Alcune vedute et prospettive di luoghi dishabitati di Roma (Some Views and Perspectives of the Uninhabited Places of Rome)
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Battista Mercati
Pictio Santa Maria Nova (Depiction of Sant Maria Nuova), pl. 21 from the series Alcune vedute et prospettive di luoghi dishabitati di Roma (Some Views and Perspectives of the Uninhabited Places of Rome)
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Battista Mercati
Sotto St. Gioanne epoldo (Below SS. Giovanni e Paolo), pl. 22 from the series Alcune vedute et prospettive di luoghi dishabitati di Roma (Some Views and Perspectives of the Uninhabited Places of Rome)
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Battista Mercati
Colonna Traiana (Trajans Column), pl. 23 from the series Alcune vedute et prospettive di luoghi dishabitati di Roma (Some Views and Perspectives of the Uninhabited Places of Rome)
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Battista Mercati
Collonna Antonina (Antonine Column), pl. 24 from the series Alcune vedute et prospettive di luoghi dishabitati di Roma (Some Views and Perspectives of the Uninhabited Places of Rome)
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Battista Mercati
Cartille [sic] del Cardinal di Fiorenza Leone XI (Courtyard of the Cardinal of Florence Leo XI), pl. 26 from the series Alcune vedute et prospettive di luoghi dishabitati di Roma (Some Views and Perspectives of the Uninhabited Places of Rome)
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Battista Mercati
Temple del sole dOreliano (Aurelian Temple of the Sun), pl. 27 from the series Alcune vedute et prospettive di luoghi dishabitati di Roma (Some Views and Perspectives of the Uninhabited Places of Rome)
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Battista Mercati
Porta di Cavalleggieri (Gate of the Light Cavalry), pl. 28 from the series Alcune vedute et prospettive di luoghi dishabitati di Roma (Some Views and Perspectives of the Uninhabited Places of Rome)
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Battista Mercati
Castelo St. Angelo (Castel SantAngelo), pl. 29 from the series Alcune vedute et prospettive di luoghi dishabitati di Roma (Some Views and Perspectives of the Uninhabited Places of Rome)
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Battista Mercati
A St. Giorgio doux pagatano j Soldati Romani (At S. Giorgio, Where They Paid the Roman Soldiers), pl. 30 from the series Alcune vedute et prospettive di luoghi dishabitati di Roma (Some Views and Perspectives of the Uninhabited Places of Rome)
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Battista Mercati
Sotto Santa Sabina (Below S. Sabina), pl. 31 from the series Alcune vedute et prospettive di luoghi dishabitati di Roma (Some Views and Perspectives of the Uninhabited Places of Rome)
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Battista Mercati
Ponto resto di Santa Maria (Remains of the Santa Maria Bridge[ Ponte Rotto]), pl. 32 from the series Alcune vedute et prospettive di luoghi dishabitati di Roma (Some Views and Perspectives of the Uninhabited Places of Rome)
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Battista Mercati
Pallazo Maggiore da Lontano (Palazzo Maggiore from a Distance), pl. 33 from the series Alcune vedute et prospettive di luoghi dishabitati di Roma (Some Views and Perspectives of the Uninhabited Places of Rome)
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco