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Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17 - 18th century
copy in reverse of Venus Tri …
Cherubino Alberti
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
mid 18th century
Zephyr and Flora
Jacopo Amigoni
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
circa 1740 - 1750
Jupiter and Callisto
Jacopo Amigoni
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
16th century
Cloelia Crossing the Tiber, …
Giulio di Antonio Bonasone
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
16th century
Juno Sending Famine Against …
Giulio di Antonio Bonasone
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
The Rape of Europa, after Ra …
Giulio di Antonio Bonasone
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Silenus with Three Satyrs
Francesco di Domenico Maria …
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
circa 1640
The Rape of Europa
Simone Cantarini
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
16th century
Mars, pl. 9 from the series …
Giovanni Jacopo Caraglio
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
Juno, after Rosso Fiorentino …
Giovanni Jacopo Caraglio
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
Neptune, after Rosso Fiorent …
Giovanni Jacopo Caraglio
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Satyr Children Singing and D …
Giulio Carpioni
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
1590 - 1600
The Three Graces
Agostino Carracci
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
circa 1645
Pan Seated Near a Vase
Giovanni Benedetto Castiglio …
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
circa 17th century
Jupiter and Juno
after Carlo Cesio (or Carlo …
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
The Triumph of Galatea, pl.9 …
Carlo Cesio (or Carlo Cesius …
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
Jupiter and Juno, from the s …
Carlo Cesio (or Carlo Cesius …
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
Venus, Mars and Cupid
Fabrizio Chiari
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
Juno Girt With the Zone of V …
Domenico Cunego
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
The Triumph of Galatea, afte …
Domenico Cunego
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
16th century
Daphne Embracing her Father, …
Bernardo Daddi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
16th century
River Gods Consoling Peneus …
Bernardo Daddi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
16th century
Naval Battle, after Giulio R …
Bernardo Daddi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
16th century
Psyche Taken to a Deserted M …
Bernardo Daddi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
16th century
Psyche Taken to a Deserted M …
Bernardo Daddi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
16th century
River Gods Consoling Peneus …
Bernardo Daddi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
18th century
The Satyr Family
Stefano della Bella
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
16th century
Galatea Escaping Polyphemus, …
Marco Dente da Ravenna
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
early 16th century
The Triumph of Galatea, afte …
Marco Dente da Ravenna
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
mid 16th century
Young Couple Seated on a Bed
Antonio Fantuzzi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
Venus Regarding Cupid, Who i …
Odoardo Fialetti
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
Venus Covering Sleeping Amor …
Odoardo Fialetti
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
16th century
Hercules Killing the Hydra o …
Giovanni Battista Franco
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
Polyphemus following Acis an …
Giovanni Girolamo Frezza
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
late 15th century
Hercules and Antaeus
after Andrea Mantegna
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
mid 16th century
Tucia Proving Her Virtue
Battista Angolo del Moro
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
The Cumaean Sibyl, after Rap …
Agostino Musi (Agostino Vene …
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
18th century
Il Bagno di Leda (Leda's bat …
Carlo Antonio Porporati
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
circa 1515 - 1517
The Judgement of Paris, afte …
Marcantonio Raimondi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
late 16th century
Galatea, after the engraving …
after Marcantonio Raimondi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Glaucus and Scylla
Salvator Rosa
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
circa 1660
Battling Tritons
Salvator Rosa
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
circa 1660
Battling Tritons
Salvator Rosa
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
circa 1660
Battling Tritons
Salvator Rosa
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
circa 1660
River Gods
Salvator Rosa
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
circa 1661
Apollo and the Cumaean Sibyl
Salvator Rosa
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
circa 1663 - 1664
The Dream of Aeneas
Salvator Rosa
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
(copy after)The Dream of Aen …
after Salvator Rosa
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
16th century
Minerva and the Muses
Andrea Schiavone (Andrea Mel …
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Orbis fabrica (The Creation …
Antonio Tempesta