Browse All : Prints by Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco of European; Northern European; German from 1891

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Sitzender mènnlicher Akt (Seated Male Nude)
Kæthe Kollwitz
Sitzender mènnlicher Ak...
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Kæthe Kollwitz
Sitzender mènnlicher Akt (Seated Male Nude)
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Selbstibildnis am Tisch, II. Fassung (Self-Portrait at the Table, Second Version)
Kæthe Kollwitz
Selbstibildnis am Tisch...
circa 1893
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Kæthe Kollwitz
Selbstibildnis am Tisch, II. Fassung (Self-Portrait at the Table, Second Version)
Creation Date
circa 1893
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
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