1. Abbey, Edwin Austin (1)
  2. Achenbach, Moore S. (3)
  3. Aldrin, Anders (1)
  4. Anisfeld, Boris (6)
  5. Anshutz, Thomas Pollock (1)
  6. Armington, Caroline (1)
  7. Armstrong, Charles (1)
  8. Aubert, François (1)
  9. Bakst, Leon (1)
  10. Ball, Wilfrid Williams (1)
  11. Barclay, John Rankine (1)
  12. Barlach, Ernst (2)
  13. Barotte, Leon (1)
  14. Baskett, Charles Henry (2)
  15. Baumann, Gustave (4)
  16. Beaumont, Leonard (1)
  17. Beerbohm, Max (6)
  18. Bejot, Eugene (2)
  19. Bellanger, Camille-Felix (1)
  20. Berlandina, Jane (1)
  21. Bernard, Emile (2)
  22. Besnard, Albert (3)
  23. Bicknell, Albion Harris (1)
  24. Blanch, Arnold (1)
  25. Blundell, Alfred Richard (2)
  26. Bone, David Muirhead (2)
  27. Borein, Edward (3)
  28. Borg, Carl Oscar (1)
  29. Bormann, Emma (4)
  30. Born, Ernest Alexander (1)
  31. Bouchène, Dmitri (1)
  32. Bourdelle, Emile-Antoine (1)
  33. Brabazon, Hercules Brabaz … (4)
  34. Bracquemond, Félix (3)
  35. Bradley & Rulofson (1)
  36. Brangwyn, Frank (9)
  37. Bresslern-Roth, Norberti … (35)
  38. Briscoe, Arthur-John-Trev … (7)
  39. Brockhurst, Gerald Leslie (2)
  40. Brothers, Harold John (1)
  41. Brown, Bolton (1)
  42. Buckman, Percy W. I. (1)
  43. Butler, Theodore (1)
  44. Cadenasso, Giuseppe (1)
  45. Cameron, David Young (1)
  46. Cameron, William R. (1)
  47. Cassidy, Ira Diamond Gera … (1)
  48. Chamberlayne, William Joh … (2)
  49. Charpentier, Alexander-Lo … (2)
  50. Chase, William Merritt (2)
  51. Cheffetz, Asa (4)
  52. Cheney, Philip (2)
  53. Chiura, Obata (2)
  54. Chéret, Jules (1)
  55. Cole, Timothy (1)
  56. Conder, Charles (1)
  57. Constant, Jean Joseph Ben … (1)
  58. Copley, John (1)
  59. Costigan, John (3)
  60. Crane, Walter (1)
  61. Cropsey, Jasper Francis (1)
  62. Cross, Henri-Edmond (1)
  63. Cuvelier, Eugene (1)
  64. D'Oyley, J. (4)
  65. Dalou, Aime-Jules (2)
  66. Dannhauser, Jean Eduard (1)
  67. Daugherty, James Henry (4)
  68. Davies, Arthur Bowen (2)
  69. Dehn, Adolf Arthur (10)
  70. Denison, Harold T. (1)
  71. Desbois, Jules (3)
  72. Desbrosses, Léopold (1)
  73. Detaille, Jean-Baptiste-E … (1)
  74. Devambez, Andre-Victor-Ed … (1)
  75. Dolan, Philip (1)
  76. Dougherty, Paul (2)
  77. Driggs, Elsie (1)
  78. Dupont, Pieter (2)
  79. Dupré, Julien (1)
  80. Durand, Charles Emile Aug … (1)
  81. Durandelle, Louis-Émile (1)
  82. Dye, Clarkson (1)
  83. East, Alfred (3)
  84. Eby, Kerr (3)
  85. Epstein, Jacob (1)
  86. Fabergé, Peter Carl (2)
  87. Fabri, Ralph (1)
  88. Fantin-Latour, Ignace-Hen … (3)
  89. Fantin-Latour, Victoria D … (1)
  90. Farrer, Henry (2)
  91. Faville, William Baker (1)
  92. Fine Arts Museums of Sa … (780)
  93. Fisher (1)
  94. Fisher, Hugo Anton (1)
  95. Fitton, Hedley (1)
  96. Flint, Willam Russell (1)
  97. Forain, Jean-Louis (6)
  98. Frisch, Victor (1)
  99. Froment (1)
  100. Fuchs, Louis Joseph Gusta … (1)
  101. Fujimori, Shizuo (1)
  102. Gallagher, Sears (1)
  103. Gaskell, George Percival (4)
  104. Gaudier-Brzeska, Henri (2)
  105. Gauguin, Paul (8)
  106. Gaul, August (2)
  107. Gautier, Lucien-Marcelli … (12)
  108. Gillam, William Charles F … (1)
  109. Gillett, Edward Frank (3)
  110. Glackens, William James (1)
  111. Gleichen-Russwurm, Heinri … (1)
  112. Goyo, Hashiguchi (1)
  113. Grafström, Jonas Olof (1)
  114. Grant, Gordon Hope (3)
  115. Gray, Percy (9)
  116. Gropper, William (2)
  117. Grossman, Rudolph (12)
  118. Guillaumin, Jean Baptiste … (1)
  119. Gérôme, Jean-Léon (1)
  120. Haden, Francis Seymour (8)
  121. Hall, Oliver (3)
  122. Halm, Peter (2)
  123. Hansen, Carl Armin (5)
  124. Hansen, Herman Wendelborg (1)
  125. Harlow, Louis Kinney (1)
  126. Harpignies, Henri-Joseph (2)
  127. Hart, George Overbury (Po … (1)
  128. Haskell, Ernest (11)
  129. Hasler, Bernhard (1)
  130. Hastings, Captain Thomas (1)
  131. Hasui, Kawase (7)
  132. Head, B.G. (1)
  133. Held, John Jr. (1)
  134. Helleu, Paul César (2)
  135. Henri, Robert (5)
  136. Herkomer, Hubert von (1)
  137. Hermann-Paul, René-George … (2)
  138. Hill, John Henry (1)
  139. Hill, Thomas (2)
  140. Hill, Vernon (1)
  141. Hofer, Karl (2)
  142. Holroyd, Sir Charles (1)
  143. Homer, Winslow (3)
  144. Houston, George (22)
  145. Howarth, Albany E. (1)
  146. Huet, Rene Ernest (1)
  147. Hyde, Helen (3)
  148. Ide, John Jay (3)
  149. Israëls, Jozef (3)
  150. J. M.Kronheim & Co. (1)
  151. Jakovlev, Alexandre (5)
  152. Jeannin, Georges (1)
  153. John, Augustus Edwin (1)
  154. Jouas, Charles (2)
  155. Kaelin, Charles Salis (2)
  156. Kasamatsu, Shiro (1)
  157. Kasimir, Luigi (3)
  158. Kaumann, Hanx Ludwig Erne … (1)
  159. Kent, Rockwell (1)
  160. Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig (1)
  161. Klinger, Max (4)
  162. Komjaty, Julius (2)
  163. Kunichika, Toyohara (1)
  164. La Farge, John (1)
  165. Lauber, Joseph (1)
  166. Lawson, Robert (1)
  167. Le Sidaner, Henri-Eugène (1)
  168. Lebasque, Henri (1)
  169. Lederer, Fritz (3)
  170. Lederer, Hugo (1)
  171. Legrand, Louis Auguste Ma … (1)
  172. Legros, Alphonse (4)
  173. Leheutre, Gustave (2)
  174. Leistikow, Walter (4)
  175. Lepère, Auguste Louis (3)
  176. Lewis, Allen (1)
  177. Liebermann, Max (3)
  178. Lievrat, Leon-Henri (1)
  179. Lissitzky, El (1)
  180. Litten, Sidney Mackenzie (1)
  181. Locke, Charles Wheeler (1)
  182. Locke, W. R. (1)
  183. Low, David (1)
  184. Lozowick, Louis (2)
  185. Luce, Maximilien (1)
  186. Lum, Bertha (2)
  187. Macbeth, Robert Walker (2)
  188. Macbeth-Raeburn, H. (1)
  189. Mackenzie, J. Hamilton (1)
  190. MacLaughlin, Donald Shaw (4)
  191. MacLeod, Douglas W. (4)
  192. Marret, Henri Justin (4)
  193. Marriott, Frederick (1)
  194. Mason, Frank H. (2)
  195. Mathews, Arthur Frank (4)
  196. Melchers, Gari (1)
  197. Meseck, Felix (3)
  198. Meunier, Constantin Emile (1)
  199. Michalek, Ludwig (1)
  200. Michels, Vera (1)
  201. Miller, Lilian (3)
  202. Modigliani, Amedeo (2)
  203. Moreau, Pierre Louis (1)
  204. Morelli (1)
  205. Mucha, Alphonse Marie (2)
  206. Muzanne, Suzanne (2)
  207. Nahl, Perham W. (4)
  208. Nason, Thomas Willoughby (1)
  209. Newell, Peter (1)
  210. Nicholson, William (2)
  211. Nicolson, John (3)
  212. Orr, Louis (1)
  213. Osborne, Malcolm (1)
  214. Otis, George Demont (1)
  215. Pages, Jules Eugene (2)
  216. Partridge, Roi (2)
  217. Patterson, Margaret Jorda … (1)
  218. Pearsall, Richard Montagu … (1)
  219. Pelenc, Simeon (1)
  220. Penfield, Edward (1)
  221. Pennell, Joseph (3)
  222. Pescheret, Leon R. (1)
  223. Petersen, Martin (1)
  224. Petitjean, Hippolyte (1)
  225. Piazzoni, Gottardo F.P. (2)
  226. Pissarro, Camille (1)
  227. Pollak, Max (2)
  228. Poole, Horatio Nelson (4)
  229. Potthast, Edward Henry (1)
  230. Price, Garrett (1)
  231. Pyle, Howard (6)
  232. Raphael, Joseph (7)
  233. Rebel (1)
  234. Renouard, Charles-Paul (2)
  235. Rhead, Louis John (1)
  236. Riviere, Theodore (4)
  237. Rix, Julian (1)
  238. Roche, Pierre (3)
  239. Rodin, Auguste (27)
  240. Roeder, Emy (1)
  241. Rooke, Thomas Mathew (1)
  242. Rosales, Emanuel O. (1)
  243. Rosenthal, Toby E. (1)
  244. Roussel, Théodore (2)
  245. Royds, Mabel A. (4)
  246. Ruskin, John (3)
  247. Ryder, Albert Pinkham (1)
  248. Ryder, Worth (1)
  249. Rysselberghe, Theo Van (1)
  250. Sandona, Matteo (1)
  251. Schary, Harry A. (8)
  252. Schnakenberg, Henry (1)
  253. Schoenleber, Gustav (1)
  254. Shannon, Charles Haslewoo … (2)
  255. Shields, James Frederick (1)
  256. Short, Frank (7)
  257. Shrimpton, Ada Matilda (2)
  258. Siegriest, Louis B. (4)
  259. Signac, Paul (1)
  260. Simon, Franz T. (1)
  261. Simon, Jacques Roger (1)
  262. Simon, Lucien J. (1)
  263. Slevogt, Max (16)
  264. Smith, André J. (1)
  265. Smith, Henry Pember (1)
  266. Sommier, Francois Clement (1)
  267. Sorine, Savely Abramswitc … (1)
  268. Soyer, Raphael (1)
  269. Sparks, Will (2)
  270. Stackpole, Ralph (1)
  271. Staeger, Ferdinand (1)
  272. Steinlen, Théophile Alexa … (3)
  273. Stern, Ernst (1)
  274. Stoll, John (3)
  275. Story, Ina Perham (1)
  276. Strang, William (2)
  277. Stuck, Franz von (1)
  278. Sébah, J. Pascal (1)
  279. Thiel, Johannes (2)
  280. Thoma, Hans (1)
  281. Tischler, Victor (1)
  282. Tissandier, Albert (1)
  283. Todhunter, Francis (2)
  284. Toshikata, Mizuno (1)
  285. Toshimitsu (1)
  286. Troubetskoy, Paul (2)
  287. Trumbull, Edward (2)
  288. Turner, Julius C. (2)
  289. Ubbelohde, Otto (2)
  290. Unknown (2)
  291. Vallotton, Félix Edouard (1)
  292. Van Sloun, Frank J. (2)
  293. Viala (1)
  294. Volkmann, Hans Richard Vo … (1)
  295. Walcot, William (4)
  296. Walton, W. L. (1)
  297. Warlow, Herbert Gordon (1)
  298. Warren, William White (2)
  299. Washburn, Cadwallader (5)
  300. Watkins, Carleton E. (1)
  301. Watts, William Clothier (1)
  302. Webster, Herman Armour (1)
  303. Weir, Julian Alden (20)
  304. Wenglein, Josef (1)
  305. Wenzell, Albert Beck (1)
  306. Wilke, William Hancock (1)
  307. Winkler, John William Jos … (1)
  308. Wire, T. Melville (1)
  309. Wolf, Henry (38)
  310. Woodbury, Charles Herbert (1)
  311. Wright, John Buckland (1)
  312. Yamaguchi, Gen (1)
  313. Yoshitora (1)
  314. Young, C. Jac (1)
  315. Zeissing, Walter (1)
  316. Ziegler, Henry (1)
  317. Zorach, Marguerite Thomps … (1)

Browse All : Images by Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco from 1800 and 19th - 20th century

51-100 of 780
1 2 3 4  
Sioux Scouts, Montana
Edward Borein
Sioux Scouts, Montana
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Edward Borein
Sioux Scouts, Montana
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Mexican Carreta
Edward Borein
Mexican Carreta
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Edward Borein
Mexican Carreta
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
The Golden Hour
Carl Oscar Borg
The Golden Hour
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Carl Oscar Borg
The Golden Hour
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Aquatic Park, S.F.
Emma Bormann
Aquatic Park, S.F.
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Emma Bormann
Aquatic Park, S.F.
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Coit Tower, San Francisco
Emma Bormann
Coit Tower, San Francis...
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Emma Bormann
Coit Tower, San Francisco
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Coit Tower, San Francisco
Emma Bormann
Coit Tower, San Francis...
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Emma Bormann
Coit Tower, San Francisco
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Coit Tower, San Francisco
Emma Bormann
Coit Tower, San Francis...
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Emma Bormann
Coit Tower, San Francisco
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Union Street, San Francisco Looking Towards Oakland
Ernest Alexander Born
Union Street, San Franc...
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Ernest Alexander Born
Union Street, San Francisco Looking Towards Oakland
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Les Dryades: Costume for a Male Figure as a tree
Dmitri Bouchène
Les Dryades: Costume fo...
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Dmitri Bouchène
Les Dryades: Costume for a Male Figure as a tree
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Untitled (sleeping shepardess)
Emile-Antoine Bourdelle
Untitled (sleeping shep...
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Emile-Antoine Bourdelle
Untitled (sleeping shepardess)
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Figures Beside a Lake
Hercules Brabazon Braba...
Figures Beside a Lake
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Hercules Brabazon Brabazon
Figures Beside a Lake
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Venetian Scene
Hercules Brabazon Braba...
Venetian Scene
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Hercules Brabazon Brabazon
Venetian Scene
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Hercules Brabazon Braba...
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Hercules Brabazon Brabazon
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Venice Canal Scene
attrib. to Hercules Bra...
Venice Canal Scene
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
attrib. to Hercules Brabazon Brabazon
Venice Canal Scene
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Frontispiece for "L'Illustration Nouvelle."
Félix Bracquemond
Frontispiece for "L'Ill...
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Félix Bracquemond
Frontispiece for "L'Illustration Nouvelle."
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
O Lune!
Felix Bracquemond
O Lune!
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Felix Bracquemond
O Lune!
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Habitation rustique, After Isaac van Ostade
Félix Bracquemond
Habitation rustique, Af...
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Félix Bracquemond
Habitation rustique, After Isaac van Ostade
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Bradley & Rulofson's Celebrities
Bradley & Rulofson
Bradley & Rulofson's Ce...
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Bradley & Rulofson
Bradley & Rulofson's Celebrities
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Skin Scrapers, No.1
Sir Frank Brangwyn
Skin Scrapers, No.1
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Sir Frank Brangwyn
Skin Scrapers, No.1
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Estaminet, Montreuil
Sir Frank Brangwyn
Estaminet, Montreuil
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Sir Frank Brangwyn
Estaminet, Montreuil
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Cornfield, Montreuil
Sir Frank Brangwyn
Cornfield, Montreuil
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Sir Frank Brangwyn
Cornfield, Montreuil
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Old Houses, St. Cirq.
Sir Frank Brangwyn
Old Houses, St. Cirq.
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Sir Frank Brangwyn
Old Houses, St. Cirq.
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
A Venetian Procession
Sir Frank Brangwyn
A Venetian Procession
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Sir Frank Brangwyn
A Venetian Procession
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Buttress of the Pont Neuf (small)
Sir Frank Brangwyn
Buttress of the Pont Ne...
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Sir Frank Brangwyn
Buttress of the Pont Neuf (small)
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Sir Frank Brangwyn
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Sir Frank Brangwyn
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Pageant of Ludlow
Sir Frank Brangwyn
Pageant of Ludlow
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Sir Frank Brangwyn
Pageant of Ludlow
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Turkish Bazaar
Sir Frank Brangwyn
Turkish Bazaar
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Sir Frank Brangwyn
Turkish Bazaar
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Wolves in a Winter Landscape
Norbertine von Bressler...
Wolves in a Winter Land...
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Norbertine von Bresslern-Roth
Wolves in a Winter Landscape
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
South Sea Island Women Carrying Fish
Norbertine von Bressler...
South Sea Island Women ...
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Norbertine von Bresslern-Roth
South Sea Island Women Carrying Fish
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Horse Chased by Wolves
Norbertine von Bressler...
Horse Chased by Wolves
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Norbertine von Bresslern-Roth
Horse Chased by Wolves
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Hawks Circling over Landscape
Norbertine von Bressler...
Hawks Circling over Lan...
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Norbertine von Bresslern-Roth
Hawks Circling over Landscape
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Sheperd in a North African Landscape
Norbertine von Bressler...
Sheperd in a North Afri...
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Norbertine von Bresslern-Roth
Sheperd in a North African Landscape
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Alpine House
Norbertine von Bressler...
Alpine House
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Norbertine von Bresslern-Roth
Alpine House
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Norbertine von Bressler...
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Norbertine von Bresslern-Roth
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Norbertine von Bressler...
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Norbertine von Bresslern-Roth
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Baby Bird
Norbertine von Bressler...
Baby Bird
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Norbertine von Bresslern-Roth
Baby Bird
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Baby Fox (or Wolf)
Norbertine von Bressler...
Baby Fox (or Wolf)
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Norbertine von Bresslern-Roth
Baby Fox (or Wolf)
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Bat Hanging from a Branch
Norbertine von Bressler...
Bat Hanging from a Bran...
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Norbertine von Bresslern-Roth
Bat Hanging from a Branch
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Norbertine von Bressler...
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Norbertine von Bresslern-Roth
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Bird on a Branch of Berries
Norbertine von Bressler...
Bird on a Branch of Ber...
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Norbertine von Bresslern-Roth
Bird on a Branch of Berries
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Black Cat
Norbertine von Bressler...
Black Cat
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Norbertine von Bresslern-Roth
Black Cat
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Norbertine von Bressler...
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Norbertine von Bresslern-Roth
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Collared Bear
Norbertine von Bressler...
Collared Bear
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Norbertine von Bresslern-Roth
Collared Bear
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Cormorant, Perched on Branch
Norbertine von Bressler...
Cormorant, Perched on B...
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Norbertine von Bresslern-Roth
Cormorant, Perched on Branch
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Fox Resting on a Branch
Norbertine von Bressler...
Fox Resting on a Branch
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Norbertine von Bresslern-Roth
Fox Resting on a Branch
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Norbertine von Bressler...
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Norbertine von Bresslern-Roth
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Norbertine von Bressler...
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Norbertine von Bresslern-Roth
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Goose with Head Tucked into Wing
Norbertine von Bressler...
Goose with Head Tucked ...
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Norbertine von Bresslern-Roth
Goose with Head Tucked into Wing
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Norbertine von Bressler...
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Norbertine von Bresslern-Roth
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Norbertine von Bressler...
19th - 20th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Norbertine von Bresslern-Roth
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
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