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Bicci di Lorenzo
Saint John the Baptist ...
14th - 15th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Giovanni Pietro da Bira...
Ornamental Panel: Nerei...
circa 1505 - 1515
Bartolomeo Biscaino
Salome with the Head of...
17th century
attrib. to Bartolomeo B...
Virgin and Child
Bacchanale (Satyrs Fami...
The Circumcision of Chr...
circle of Bartolomeo Bi...
Recto: Mary Magdalen Ve...
Mary Magdalen
Rest on the Flight to E...
The Finding of Moses
The Nativity with Angel...
mid 17th century
The Nativity
Virgin Adoring the Infa...
Saint Mary Magdalen in ...
Bernardino Giuseppe Bis...
Seated Woman
18th - 19th century
Giovanni Boldini
Recto: Portrait Study o...
early 20th century
Recto:Portrait Study of...
Portrait of Madame X
Portrait of Mrs. Whitne...
Niccolò Boldrini
The Stigmatization of S...
circa 1530
Landscape with a Milkma...
circa 1525
St. Jerome in the Wilde...
circa 1525 - 1530
Samson and Delilah, aft...
circa 1540 - 1545
Caricature of the Laoco...
circa 1545
Giovanni Bologna
16 - 17th century
Giulio di Antonio Bonas...
The Rest on the Flight ...
16th century
The Wounded Scipio, aft...
Cloelia Crossing the Ti...
Juno Sending Famine Aga...
Four Nymphs and Two Sea...
Leda and the Swan
Diana Holding Fruit
Bacchanalian Procession...
Portrait of Raphael
Pietro Bembo
Old Men Looking at a St...
The Birth of John the B...
circa mid 16th century
The Judgement of Paris
mid 16th century
Portrait of Michelangel...
The Rape of Europa, aft...
Jason and Medea
1560 - 1570
Domenico Maria Bonavera
Rebecca at the Well
Carlo Bonavia
View of the Bridge of C...
circa 18th century
Ruins near Naples
18th century
Tempio di Nettuno a Poz...
mid 18th century
View of the Promontory ...
Carlo Bononi
Figures Constructing Co...
16th - 17th century
Pietro Paolo Bonzi
Sketches of Figures
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