Abbey, Edwin Austin
Achenbach, Moore S.
Adato, Linda
Aldrin, Anders
Alexander, Francesca
Alexander, Henry
Alexander, John White
Allston, Washington
Anderson, Alexander
Anshutz, Thomas Pollock
Anthony, Edward
Antreasian, Garo Z.
Armington, Caroline
Armstrong, Charles
Atherton, John C.
Audubon, John James
Auerbach-Levy, William M.
Ault, George C.
Ayres, Thomas Almond
Badger, Joseph
Baillie, James S.
Baker, George Holbrook
Barber, Evelyn
Bard, James
Barker, Lucy Hayward
Barrows, Albert
Bartlett, Jennifer
Bass, Joel
Baynard, Ed
Beaux, Cecilia
Bellew, Frank
Bellows, George Wesley
Benbridge, Henry
Bentley, Wilson Alwyn
Berlandina, Jane
Berns, Ben
Bicknell, Albion Harris
Bien, Julius
Bierstadt, Albert
Bingham, George Caleb
Birch, Thomas
Blakelock, Ralph Albert
Blanch, Arnold
Blass, Luke de
Blatherwick, Lily
Blum, Robert Frederick
Blythe, David Gilmour
Boggs, Frank Myers
Bolles, John Thomas
Borein, Edward
Borg, Carl Oscar
Born, Ernest Alexander
Boughton, George Henry
Boyd, Linda Lee
Boynton, Ray Scepter
Bradford, William
Bradley & Rulofson
Bricher, Alfred Thompson
Britton & Co./ Britton &
Brookes, Samuel Marsden
Brothers, Harold John
Browere, Alburtus Del Ori
Brown, Bolton
Brown, George Loring
Brown, Grafton T.
Brown, John George
Bruntjen, Sabine A.
Brush, George De Forest
Buff, Conrad
Bunker, Dennis Miller
Burchfield, Charles Ephra
Burden, Chris
Burgess, Michelle
Bush, Norton
Bush, S. L.
Butler, Benjamin Franklin
Butler, Theodore
Cadenasso, Giuseppe
Calyo, Nicolino
Cameron, William R.
Carlsen, Emil
Cary, W.M.
Cassatt, Mary
Cassidy, Ira Diamond Gera
Catlin, George
Chalfant, Jefferson David
Champney, James Wells
Chanco, Pauletta M.
Chandler, Winthrop
Chase, Lorenzo B.
Chase, William Merritt
Cheffetz, Asa
Cheney, Philip
Church, Frederic Edwin
Church, Frederick Stuart
Clute, Walter Marshall
Cole, J. Foxcroft
Cole, Thomas
Cole, Timothy
Cooper, G.V.
Copley, John Singleton
Costigan, John
Cox, H.F.
Crawford, E. Stetson
Cresswell and Washburn
Cropsey, Jasper Francis
Cuneo, Rinaldo
Currier and Ives
Currier, Nathaniel
Curry, John Steuart
Curtis, George E.
Daniell, Thomas
Darley, Felix Octavius Ca
Daugherty, James Henry
Davies, Arthur Bowen
de Forest, Lockwood
de Martelly, John Stockto
De Peyster Painter, The
Deakin, Edwin
Decker, Joseph
Dehn, Adolf Arthur
Demuth, Charles
Denes, Agnes
Denison, Harold T.
Denny, Gideon Jacques
Dewing, Thomas Wilmer
Dickinson, Edwin Walter
Dixon, Maynard
Dougherty, Paul
Doughty, Thomas
Dove, Arthur Garfield
Dow, Arthur Wesley
Drewes, Werner
Driggs, Elsie
Duncan, Gregor
Durand, Asher Brown
Durand, G.
Durrie, George Henry
Duveneck, Frank
Dye, Clarkson
E. J. W.
Eakins, Thomas
Eames, O.A.
Earl, James
Earl, Ralph
Earle, L.C.
Eby, Kerr
Edwards, George Wharton
Eilshemius, Louis
Erp, Dirk van
Fairman, Gideon
Falk, Benjamin
Farrer, Henry
Faville, William Baker
Feke, Robert
Fine Arts Museums of S
Fisher, Hugo Anton
Fiske, George
Florian, Walter
Fonseca, Caio
Foringer, A. E.
Fortune, E. Charlton
Freake-Gibbs Painter, The
Fried, Robert
Fuller, George
Fuller, Henry Brown
Fulmore, Ella
Gallagher, Sears
Gantz, Jeanne
Garcia, Rupert
Garrett, Edmund Henry
Gay, August François
Gay, Walter
Gervais, Paul
Gifford, C.B.
Gifford, Sanford Robinson
Gillam, William Charles F
Glackens, William James
Goldberg, Annette
Golder, Carla E.
Goldstein, Daniel Joshua
Gonzalez, Michael
Grant, Gordon Hope
Gray, Percy
Gray, W. Vallance
Greene, John Beasley
Groll, Albert Lorey
Gropper, William
Gross, Juliet White
Gurney, Jeremiah
Haberle, John
Hahn, William
Haley, John Charles
Halsey, Brian
Hammersmith, Paul
Hanks, Pat
Hansen, Carl Armin
Hansen, Herman Wendelborg
Hanson, Ed
Harada, Taneyuki Dan
Hardy, Pat
Harker, Katharine Van Dyk
Harlow, Louis Kinney
Harnett, William Michael
Harrington, Joseph
Harrison, Birge
Harshberger, Mac
Hart, George Overbury (Po
Hartley, Marsden
Haseltine, William Stanle
Haskell, Ernest
Hassam, Childe
Hatcher, Keith
Hawley, Hughson
Heade, Martin Johnson
Healey, A.J.
Healy, George Peter Alexa
Heisey Company
Held, John Jr.
Henri, Robert
Herkomer, Herman G.
Hibi, Hisako
Hibi, Matsusaburo
Hicks, Edward
Higgins, Victor
Hill, Ed
Hill, John Henry
Hill, John William
Hill, Thomas
Hobart, Clark
Hoffy, Alfred M.
Homer, Winslow
Hopson, William Fowler
Hovenden, Thomas
Howard, John Langley
Hu, Sandria Ann
Huge, Jurgan Frederick
Hunt, William Morris
Hyde, Helen
Ide, John Jay
Inman, Henry
Inness, George
Jackson, Jeanne
Jackson, Oliver
Jackson, William Henry
James Notman Studio
Jarvis, John Wesley
Jensen, Leo
Johnson, Chris
Johnson, Eastman
Johnson, Joshua
Jones, John Paul
Jump, Edward
Justh, Quirot & Co.
Kaelin, Charles Salis
Kasten, Karl
Keane, William
Keith, William
Kendall, William Sergeant
Kensett, John Frederick
Kent, Rockwell
Key, John Ross
Klein, Pat
Knapp, Henry R.
Kooning, Elaine de
Kozloff, Joyce
Kuhn, Walt
Kunath, Oscar
Kushner, Robert
La Farge, John
Lambdin, George Cochran
Lamson, J.H.
Lasansky, Leonardo da Iow
Latimer, Lorenzo Palmer
Lawson, Ernest
Lawson, Robert
Lazzell, Blanche
Lebrun, Rico
Lee, Joseph
Lee, Li Lin
Leigh, William Robinson
Lewis, Allen
Linda, Rose
Linson, Corwin Knapp
Lipton, Seymour
Locke, Charles Wheeler
Locke, W. R.
Lopez, Barry
Lopez, Judith
Lotz, Matilda
Love, C.W.
Lowell, Orson
Lozowick, Louis
Luks, George Benjamin
Lum, Bertha
MacLaughlin, Donald Shaw
Magrath, William
Mangravite, Peppino
Mann, Helen
Marca-Relli, Conrad
Maris, Wlater de
Marriott, Fred M.
Marshall, Mona
Martin, Caroline
Martin, Homer Dodge
Martinez, Xavier
Marty, Alfred
Mathews, Arthur Frank
Mayer, Henry
McCloskey, William J.
McDonald, A.J.
McLarty, Jack
McVicker, Jay J.
Melchers, Gari
Metcalf, Willard Leroy
Meyer, Johann Georg
Michels, Vera
Mielatz, Charles Frederic
Mignot, Louis Remy
Miller, Lilian
Miller, Samuel
Miller, William Rickarby
Mintz, Raymond
Moeller, Louis
Mora, Jose Maria
Moran, Mary Nimmo
Moran, Thomas
Morgan, Lou Kohl
Morse, Henry D.
Morton, John Ludlow
Moses, Anna Mary Robertso
Moses, Ed
Mount, William Sidney
Munch, Maximilian
Murdoch, John
Murphy, Hermann Dudley
Murphy, J. Francis
Myers, John H.
Nahl, Charles Christian
Nahl, Perham W.
Nankivell, Frank A.
Nash, Bob
Nason, Thomas Willoughby
Nast, Thomas
Neagle, John
Nelson, Bruce
Newell, Peter
O'Sullivan, Timothy H.
Oldenburg, Claes
Oliveira, Nathan
Orr, Louis
Osgood, B.F.
Otis, George Demont
Packard, Emmy Lou
Page, William
Pages, Jules Eugene
Paget-Fredericks, Joseph
Palmer, Frances Flora Bon
Park, David
Parsons, Charles R.
Partridge, Roi
Pascin, Jules
Patigian, Haig
Patterson, Margaret Jorda
Peale, Charles Willson
Peale, James
Peale, Raphaelle
Peale, Rembrandt
Pelenc, Simeon
Pelton, Agnes
Penfield, Edward
Pennell, Joseph
Perkins, Granville
Perry, Ralph Barton, Jr.
Pescheret, Leon R.
Peters, Charles Rollo
Petersen, Martin
Petersen, Roland
Petersen, Will
Peto, John Frederick
Phillips, Jay
Piazzoni, Gottardo F.P.
Pippin, Horace
Polk, Charles Peale
Pollak, Max
Ponce de Leon, Michael
Poole, Horatio Nelson
Pope, Alexander
Potthast, Edward Henry
Prendergast, Maurice Braz
Prentice, Elena Coon
Price, Garrett
Price, Kenneth
Prior, William Matthew
Prochazka, Olga
Pyle, Howard
Quidor, John
Quintanilla, Luis
Raphael, Joseph
Redmond, Granville
Reeve, Agnes
Reichert, Madeleine
Reid, Bertha
Reid, Robert
Reinagle, Hugh
Reinhart, Charles Stanley
Revere, Paul Jr.
Rhead, Louis John
Richardson, Mary Curtis
Richardt, Joachim Ferdina
Rimmer, William
Rix, Julian
Rockwood and Company, New
Romano, Umberto
Roseland, Harry
Rosenberg, Louis Conrad
Rosenthal, Toby E.
Rotch, Benjamin S.
Ruellan, Andree
Ryder, Albert Pinkham
Ryder, Worth
Salmon, Robert
Sandona, Matteo
Sargent, John Singer
Sarony, Napoleon
Sarony, Oliver Francois X
Schary, Harry A.
Schmidt, Charles
Schnakenberg, Henry
Schnepf, Bob
Schofield, Walter Elmer
Seem, Olga
Sharples, James
Shaw, Joshua
Sheeler, Charles
Shinn, Everett
Shure, Brian
Siegriest, Louis B.
Silver, Lauren
Smibert, John
Smith, André J.
Smith, Charles William
Smith, Henry Pember
Smith-Harrison, David
Snelgrove, Walter
Snow and Roos
Snyder and Black, New Yor
Snyder, W.P.
Southworth, Albert Sands
Soyer, Raphael
Sparks, Will
Speicher, Eugene
Spencer, Robert
Stackpole, Ralph
Stanley, John Mix
Stanton, Ino
Stauffacher, Jack
Stein, Sarah Samuels
Steir, Pat
Stettheimer, Florine
Stoll, John
Story, Ina Perham
Stuart, Gilbert
Stuart, Michelle
Sully, Thomas
Sutcliffe, Frank
Taber, Isaiah West
Tait, Arthur Fitzwilliam
Tamkin, Marilyn
Tanner, Henry Ossawa
Tarbell, Edmund Charles
Thayer, Abbott Handerson
Thayer, Kelloggs
Thompson, Jerome B.
Thurlow, James Thomas
Tiffany & Company
Tiffany, Louis Comfort
Todhunter, Francis
Tripp, M.K.
Trumbull, Edward
Trumbull, John
Turner, Charles Yardley
Tyler, George Washington
Tyler, W. B.
Ulrich, Charles Frederic
Valledor, Leo
Van Dyke, Willard
Van Horn, Lucretia
Van Sloun, Frank J.
Van Staveren, Leo
Vanderlyn, John
Vedder, Elihu
Vredaparis, Frieda Paris
Wagner, Rob
Walker, Sandy
Wang, Meng
Warren's Portraits, Bosto
Washburn, Cadwallader
Waters, R.C.
Watkins, Carleton E.
Watts, William Clothier
Weber, Max
Webster, Herman Armour
Weir, Julian Alden
Welch, Thaddeus
Wenzell, Albert Beck
West, Benjamin
West, Raphael Lamar
Whistler, James Abbott M
White, Billy
Whittredge, Worthington
Wiles, Irving Ramsay
Wilke, William Hancock
Williams, Virgil
Winkler, John William Jos
Wire, T. Melville
Wm. Endicott & Company
Wolf, Henry
Wood, Thomas Waterman
Woodbury, Charles Herbert
Wores, Theodore
Wright of Derby, Joseph
Wujcik, Theo
Wyant, Alexander Helwig
Yelland, Raymond Dabb
Young, C. Jac
Ziegler, Henry
Zoell, Bob
Zorach, Marguerite Thomps
Zorach, William
Browse All
Images by Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco of United States and North American; American
Creator Name-CRT
after Granville Perkins
A Cranberry Bog, Ocean County, New Jersey - Pickers at Work - p.880 Harper's Weekly 10 November 1877
Creation Date
19th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Granville Perkins
Two Portraits -and- The Wreck of the Steamship "Rusland" - p.265 Harper's Weekly 7 April 1877
Creation Date
19th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
after Granville Perkins
The New United States Frigate 'Trenton' - p.244 Harper's Weekly 31March 1877
Creation Date
19th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Ralph Barton Perry, Jr
Untitled (state one)
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Leon R. Pescheret
The Jones Farm in Winter
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Charles Rollo Peters
(Refugee) Camp by the Cross
Creation Date
early 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Martin Petersen
Sunset, New Hampshire
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Roland Petersen
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Roland Petersen
Autumn Picnic with Two Figures
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Roland Petersen
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Roland Petersen
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Roland Petersen
Picnic Figures Facing North and South
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Will Petersen
Landscape with Rock
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
after Will Petersen
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Will Petersen
Landscape with Rock
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Will Petersen
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Will Petersen
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Will Petersen
End of September - 1
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Will Petersen
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
John Frederick Peto
The Cup We All Race 4
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
John Frederick Peto
Still Life with Pitcher, Candle, and Books
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
John Frederick Peto
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Jay Phillips
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Jay Phillips
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Jay Phillips
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Jay Phillips
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Jay Phillips
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Gottardo F.P. Piazzoni
Untitled (Seacliff and Trees)
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Gottardo F.P. Piazzoni
Untitled (Seacliff)
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Gottardo F.P. Piazzoni
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Gottardo F.P. Piazzoni
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Horace Pippin
The Trial of John Brown
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Charles Peale Polk
Miss Virginia Polk with Deer
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Charles Peale Polk
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Max Pollak
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Max Pollak
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Michael Ponce de Leon
Creation Date
20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Michael Ponce de Leon
Creation Date
20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Horatio Nelson Poole
Hilly California Landscape with Oaks
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Horatio Nelson Poole
Street in Chinatown
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Horatio Nelson Poole
Barren trees, two foals, and barn
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Horatio Nelson Poole
Rocky California Coast
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Alexander Pope
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Edward Henry Potthast
Ring Around the Rosy
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Maurice Brazil Prendergast
Creation Date
1893 - 1894
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Maurice Brazil Prendergast
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Maurice Brazil Prendergast
Creation Date
1907 - 1909
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Maurice Brazil Prendergast
Creation Date
1912 - 1913
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Elena Coon Prentice
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Elena Coon Prentice
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco