Browse All : Earthenware, black-figure technique by Unknown and Leagros Group of European; Southern European; Mediterranean and Europe,Greece,Greater Athens,Athens
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Creator Name-CRT
Arnold Genthe
Korbel, Mario, Mrs., son of, portrait photograph
Creation Date
not before 1920
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Creator Name-CRT
Arnold Genthe
Korbel, Mario, Mrs., and son, portrait photograph
Creation Date
not before 1920
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Creator Name-CRT
Arnold Genthe
Korbel, Mario, Mrs., son of, portrait photograph
Creation Date
not before 1920
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Creator Name-CRT
Arnold Genthe
Molfel, Miss, portrait photograph
Creation Date
not before 1920
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Creator Name-CRT
Arnold Genthe
Murphy, Catherine, Miss, with dog, portrait photograph
Creation Date
not before 1920
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
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