George Eastman House
ca. 1857
Francis Frith
George Eastman House
ca. 1859
The Approach to Philae
Francis Frith
George Eastman House
ca. 1857
Pharaoh's Bed, Island of Phi
Francis Frith
George Eastman House
ca. 1857
View From Philae Looking Nor
Francis Frith
George Eastman House
ca. 1857
South End of the Island of P
Francis Frith
George Eastman House
ca. 1857
The Colonnade- Island of Phi
Francis Frith
George Eastman House
ca. 1857
The Temple of Wady Kardassy,
Francis Frith
George Eastman House
ca. 1857
The Temple of Kalabshe, Nubi
Francis Frith
George Eastman House
ca. 1857
Travellers Boat at Ibrim
Francis Frith