Library of Congress Prints a
between 1896 and 1930
Street scene in Chinatown, S
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
ca. 1920
Lewisohn house and garden
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
ca. 1920
Lewisohn house and garden
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1920 and 1930
Street corner in Chinatown,
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1920 and 1930
Street in Chinatown, San Fra
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1920 and 1930
Street in Chinatown, San Fra
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1920 and 1930
Street in Chinatown, San Fra
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1926 and 1930
Norris, Charles G., Mr., por
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1926 and 1930
Norris, Charles G., Mr., por
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1926 and 1930
Norris, Charles G., Mr., por
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1926 and 1930
Norris, Charles G., Mr., por
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1926 and 1930
Egger, Gabrielle, Miss, stan
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1926 and 1930
Egger, Gabrielle, Miss, and
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1926 and 1930
Egger, Gabrielle, Miss, with
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1926 and 1930
Egger, Gabrielle, Miss, and
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1926 and 1930
Egger, Gabrielle, Miss, frie
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1927 and 1930
Losch, Tilly, Miss, portrait
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1927 and 1930
Losch, Tilly, Miss, portrait
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1927 and 1930
Losch, Tilly, Miss, portrait
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1927 and 1930
Losch, Tilly, Miss, portrait
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1930 May 2
Gaston, William, Mrs., and b
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1930 Apr. 25
Strauss, Sarah Mildred, and
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1930 Apr. 25
Strauss, Sarah Mildred, and
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1930 Apr. 25
Strauss, Sarah Mildred, and
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1930 Apr. 25
Strauss, Sarah Mildred, and
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1930 Apr. 25
Strauss, Sarah Mildred, and
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1930 Apr. 25
Strauss, Sarah Mildred, and
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1930 Feb. 25
Egger, Gabrielle, Miss, port
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1930 Mar. 2
Rickard, Willa, Miss, portra
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1930 Mar. 2
Rickard, Willa, Miss, portra
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1930 Mar. or Apr
Morgan, D.P., Jr., Mrs., por
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1930 Mar. 31
Farley, Edward, portrait pho
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1930 Mar. 31
Farley, Edward, portrait pho
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1930 Mar. 31
Lovett, Robert, Mr., and chi
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1930 Mar. 31
Lovett, Robert, Mr., portrai
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1930 May 13
Wanger, Walter, Mr., portrai
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1930 May 24
Brady, J.C., Mrs., group, se
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1930 May 24
Brady, Mosely, and Scott gro
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1930 May 24
Moseley, F.S., Mr., and chil
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1930 May 24
Moseley, F.S., Mr., child of
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1930 May 24
Brady, James Cox, Jr., Mr.,
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1930 May 24
Brady, James Cox, Jr., Mr. a
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
Margolies, Betty, Miss, port
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
Margolies, Betty, Miss, port
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1930 June 13
Victor, Royall, Mrs., portra
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1930 June 13
Spencer, Lyle, Mr., portrait
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1930 Nov. 22
Curley, Viola, Miss, portrai
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
not before 1930 Nov. 9
Alland, Alexandra, Miss
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
not before 1930 Nov. 9
Alland, Alexandra, Miss
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1930 Nov. 11
Field, Palmer, Mr., portrait
Arnold Genthe