Browse All : Stairways. and Nitrate negatives by Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division and Genthe, Arnold from 1920 and between 1920 and 1926 and 1869-1942

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Spiral stairway, New Orleans
Arnold Genthe
Spiral stairway, New Or...
between 1920 and 1926
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Arnold Genthe
Spiral stairway, New Orleans
Creation Date
between 1920 and 1926
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Spiral stairway, New Orleans
Arnold Genthe
Spiral stairway, New Or...
between 1920 and 1926
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Arnold Genthe
Spiral stairway, New Orleans
Creation Date
between 1920 and 1926
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Spiral stairway, New Orleans
Arnold Genthe
Spiral stairway, New Or...
between 1920 and 1926
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Arnold Genthe
Spiral stairway, New Orleans
Creation Date
between 1920 and 1926
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Spiral stairway, New Orleans
Arnold Genthe
Spiral stairway, New Or...
between 1920 and 1926
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Arnold Genthe
Spiral stairway, New Orleans
Creation Date
between 1920 and 1926
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Spiral stairway, New Orleans
Arnold Genthe
Spiral stairway, New Or...
between 1920 and 1926
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Arnold Genthe
Spiral stairway, New Orleans
Creation Date
between 1920 and 1926
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Spiral stairway, New Orleans or Charleston, South Carolina
Arnold Genthe
Spiral stairway, New Or...
between 1920 and 1926
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Arnold Genthe
Spiral stairway, New Orleans or Charleston, South Carolina
Creation Date
between 1920 and 1926
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Staircase, New Orleans or Charleston, South Carolina
Arnold Genthe
Staircase, New Orleans ...
between 1920 and 1926
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Arnold Genthe
Staircase, New Orleans or Charleston, South Carolina
Creation Date
between 1920 and 1926
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Stairway, New Orleans or Charleston, South Carolina
Arnold Genthe
Stairway, New Orleans o...
between 1920 and 1926
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Arnold Genthe
Stairway, New Orleans or Charleston, South Carolina
Creation Date
between 1920 and 1926
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Stairway to the first floor of a building, New Orleans or Charleston, South Carolina
Arnold Genthe
Stairway to the first f...
between 1920 and 1926
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Arnold Genthe
Stairway to the first floor of a building, New Orleans or Charleston, South Carolina
Creation Date
between 1920 and 1926
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Stairway to the first floor of a building, New Orleans or Charleston, South Carolina
Arnold Genthe
Stairway to the first f...
between 1920 and 1926
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Arnold Genthe
Stairway to the first floor of a building, New Orleans or Charleston, South Carolina
Creation Date
between 1920 and 1926
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Victor David House (Le Petit Salon) entrance stairway, 620 St. Peter Street, New Orleans
Arnold Genthe
Victor David House (Le ...
between 1920 and 1926
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Arnold Genthe
Victor David House (Le Petit Salon) entrance stairway, 620 St. Peter Street, New Orleans
Creation Date
between 1920 and 1926
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Victor David House (Le Petit Salon) entrance stairway, 620 St. Peter Street, New Orleans
Arnold Genthe
Victor David House (Le ...
between 1920 and 1926
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Arnold Genthe
Victor David House (Le Petit Salon) entrance stairway, 620 St. Peter Street, New Orleans
Creation Date
between 1920 and 1926
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
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