Browse All : Paintings and transparency and Film transparencies by Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division

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Photograph of a painting of a coastal landscape
[Arnold Genthe, Unknown...
Photograph of a paintin...
between 1906 and 1942
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
[Arnold Genthe, Unknown]
Photograph of a painting of a coastal landscape
Creation Date
between 1906 and 1942
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Photograph of a painting of a seaside village or town
[Arnold Genthe, Unknown...
Photograph of a paintin...
between 1906 and 1942
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
[Arnold Genthe, Unknown]
Photograph of a painting of a seaside village or town
Creation Date
between 1906 and 1942
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Photograph of a painting of a village or town
[Arnold Genthe, Unknown...
Photograph of a paintin...
between 1906 and 1942
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
[Arnold Genthe, Unknown]
Photograph of a painting of a village or town
Creation Date
between 1906 and 1942
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Photograph of a painting of a city or town with an arched bridge in the foreground
[Arnold Genthe, Unknown...
Photograph of a paintin...
between 1921 and 1942
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
[Arnold Genthe, Unknown]
Photograph of a painting of a city or town with an arched bridge in the foreground
Creation Date
between 1921 and 1942
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Photograph of a painting of a cowherd and cattle
[Arnold Genthe, Unknown...
Photograph of a paintin...
between 1921 and 1942
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
[Arnold Genthe, Unknown]
Photograph of a painting of a cowherd and cattle
Creation Date
between 1921 and 1942
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Photograph of a painting of a snow-covered village
[Arnold Genthe, Unknown...
Photograph of a paintin...
between 1932 and 1942
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
[Arnold Genthe, Unknown]
Photograph of a painting of a snow-covered village
Creation Date
between 1932 and 1942
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Photograph of a painting of a ballerina lacing her slippers
[Unknown, Arnold Genthe...
Photograph of a paintin...
between 1906 and 1942
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
[Unknown, Arnold Genthe]
Photograph of a painting of a ballerina lacing her slippers
Creation Date
between 1906 and 1942
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Photograph of a painting of a mother and children with chickens and donkeys in front of a house
[Unknown, Arnold Genthe...
Photograph of a paintin...
between 1906 and 1942
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
[Unknown, Arnold Genthe]
Photograph of a painting of a mother and children with chickens and donkeys in front of a house
Creation Date
between 1906 and 1942
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Photograph of a painting of a seaside village or town
[Unknown, Arnold Genthe...
Photograph of a paintin...
between 1906 and 1942
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
[Unknown, Arnold Genthe]
Photograph of a painting of a seaside village or town
Creation Date
between 1906 and 1942
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Photograph of a painting of men in eastern dress seated outside
[Unknown, Arnold Genthe...
Photograph of a paintin...
between 1906 and 1942
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
[Unknown, Arnold Genthe]
Photograph of a painting of men in eastern dress seated outside
Creation Date
between 1906 and 1942
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Photograph of a painting of a mother nursing her child
[Unknown, Arnold Genthe...
Photograph of a paintin...
between 1906 and 1942
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
[Unknown, Arnold Genthe]
Photograph of a painting of a mother nursing her child
Creation Date
between 1906 and 1942
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Photograph of a painting of three men standing outdoors
[Unknown, Arnold Genthe...
Photograph of a paintin...
between 1906 and 1942
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
[Unknown, Arnold Genthe]
Photograph of a painting of three men standing outdoors
Creation Date
between 1906 and 1942
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Photograph of a painting of figures standing or seated outside with a town on a hill in the distance
[Unknown, Arnold Genthe...
Photograph of a paintin...
between 1906 and 1942
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
[Unknown, Arnold Genthe]
Photograph of a painting of figures standing or seated outside with a town on a hill in the distance
Creation Date
between 1906 and 1942
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
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