1. Accordions. (1)
  2. Acetate negatives (3149)
  3. Actors. (67)
  4. Actresses. (73)
  5. Adobe buildings. (4)
  6. Agaves. (2)
  7. Airplanes. (3)
  8. Alleys. (15)
  9. Altars. (6)
  10. Amphitheaters. (8)
  11. Animal feeding. (3)
  12. Antique stores. (2)
  13. Antiquities. (1)
  14. Apartments. (32)
  15. Arcades (Architectural co … (2)
  16. Archaeological sites. (86)
  17. Archery. (4)
  18. Arches. (15)
  19. Architectural elements. (4)
  20. Architectural sculpture. (13)
  21. Architecture, Islamic. (1)
  22. Arnold Genthe (1)
  23. Art object (99)
  24. Art objects (7)
  25. Art objects. (45)
  26. Artists' studios. (2)
  27. Artists. (22)
  28. autochrome (461)
  29. Autochromes (461)
  30. Automobile driving. (1)
  31. Automobiles. (3)
  32. Balconies. (31)
  33. Banquets. (1)
  34. Barbecues. (6)
  35. Bathhouses. (9)
  36. Bathing suits. (3)
  37. Bathing. (9)
  38. Bays. (8)
  39. Beaches. (112)
  40. Beauty contests. (3)
  41. Bell towers. (10)
  42. Bells. (2)
  43. Bishops. (4)
  44. Boats. (49)
  45. Bodies of water. (29)
  46. Books (2)
  47. Bouquets. (1)
  48. Brides. (59)
  49. Bridges. (20)
  50. Buddhas. (14)
  51. Buildings. (33)
  52. Bullfighters. (1)
  53. Bullfighting. (20)
  54. Butcher shops. (1)
  55. Cactus. (10)
  56. California poppies. (2)
  57. Calligraphy (2)
  58. Calotypes (14)
  59. Camels. (2)
  60. Canals. (10)
  61. Cannons. (2)
  62. Canyons. (15)
  63. Capes (Coastlines). (19)
  64. Capitols. (1)
  65. Caravans. (2)
  66. Carts & wagons. (6)
  67. Castles & palaces. (8)
  68. Cathedrals. (28)
  69. Catholic churches. (231)
  70. Cats. (7)
  71. Cattle. (7)
  72. Celebrations. (6)
  73. Cemeteries. (53)
  74. Charitable organizations … (13)
  75. Children & adults. (64)
  76. Children & animals. (1)
  77. Children blowing bubbles. (2)
  78. Children eating & drinkin … (2)
  79. Children playing in water … (5)
  80. Children playing. (21)
  81. Children reading & writin … (4)
  82. Children smoking. (3)
  83. Children walking. (51)
  84. Children. (505)
  85. Chimneys. (3)
  86. Churches. (16)
  87. Cities & towns. (1521)
  88. City & town life. (773)
  89. City walls. (3)
  90. Cityscape photographs (75)
  91. Clergy. (3)
  92. Cliffs. (9)
  93. Clippings (11)
  94. Clubs. (10)
  95. Coats of arms (2)
  96. Columns. (1)
  97. Concerts. (1)
  98. Construction. (19)
  99. Convents. (11)
  100. Cooks. (1)
  101. Correspondence. (2)
  102. Cotton industry. (2)
  103. Country clubs. (7)
  104. Country life. (7)
  105. Courtyards. (159)
  106. Covered bridges. (1)
  107. Croplands. (3)
  108. Crowds. (1)
  109. Customs houses. (2)
  110. Cypresses. (8)
  111. Daguerreotypes (5)
  112. Dance parties. (2)
  113. Dancers (2)
  114. Dancers. (2772)
  115. Dead persons. (3)
  116. Deer. (5)
  117. Dentistry. (1)
  118. Diving. (4)
  119. Dog shows. (4)
  120. Dogs. (3)
  121. Doors & doorways. (42)
  122. Dragons. (2)
  123. Drawings (3)
  124. Drawings and Watercolors (1)
  125. Drinking vessels. (1)
  126. Dwellings. (248)
  127. Earthquakes. (32)
  128. Eating & drinking. (4)
  129. Educational facilities. (6)
  130. Estates. (40)
  131. Events. (26)
  132. Exhibitions. (24)
  133. Families. (31)
  134. Farming. (6)
  135. Fashion photographs (52)
  136. Fathers & children. (90)
  137. Fences. (8)
  138. Festivals. (3)
  139. Film transparencies (288)
  140. Fireplaces. (2)
  141. Fires. (32)
  142. Fishing. (21)
  143. Flamingoes. (1)
  144. Flowers. (4)
  145. Fonts. (1)
  146. Foraging. (1)
  147. Forests. (5)
  148. Forts & fortifications. (20)
  149. Fortune telling. (1)
  150. Fountains. (20)
  151. Fruit industry. (17)
  152. Funeral rites & ceremonie … (1)
  153. Galleries & museums. (3)
  154. Gardening. (7)
  155. Gardens. (165)
  156. Gatehouses. (6)
  157. Gates. (60)
  158. Glass negatives (4806)
  159. Glass transparencies (13)
  160. Glassware. (1)
  161. Goats. (2)
  162. Golf. (2)
  163. Government facilities. (11)
  164. Graffiti. (4)
  165. Greek temples. (51)
  166. Grocery stores. (7)
  167. Group portraits (645)
  168. Guitars. (2)
  169. Hands. (2)
  170. Harbors. (35)
  171. Harps. (9)
  172. Herding. (1)
  173. Historic buildings. (207)
  174. Historic sites. (8)
  175. Holidays. (1)
  176. Horse herding. (1)
  177. Horse shows. (37)
  178. Horseback riding. (83)
  179. Horses. (12)
  180. Hunting. (21)
  181. Icon (5)
  182. Icons. (4)
  183. Illuminations (3)
  184. Illustrations (29)
  185. Indians of North America (76)
  186. Interiors. (18)
  187. Ironwork. (75)
  188. Islands. (11)
  189. Laborers. (5)
  190. Lakes & ponds. (8)
  191. Landscape paintings (11)
  192. Landscape photographs (231)
  193. Lantern slides (471)
  194. Laundry. (6)
  195. Libraries. (6)
  196. Maps (1)
  197. Marine photographs (4)
  198. Markets. (115)
  199. Masks. (27)
  200. Meadows. (2)
  201. Medals. (1)
  202. Merchants. (5)
  203. Mesas. (9)
  204. Military life. (1)
  205. Military officers. (1)
  206. Military parades & ceremo … (1)
  207. Miniatures (Paintings) (1)
  208. Monasteries. (9)
  209. Monkeys. (6)
  210. Monks. (7)
  211. Monuments & memorials. (34)
  212. Mothers & children. (175)
  213. Motion picture industry. (17)
  214. Mountains. (46)
  215. Mules. (1)
  216. Music ensembles. (4)
  217. Musicians. (79)
  218. National parks & reserv … (107)
  219. Necklaces. (2)
  220. negative (15633)
  221. Negatives (3)
  222. Nitrate negatives (7676)
  223. Nudes (1)
  224. Nudes. (147)
  225. Nurses. (1)
  226. Oaks. (7)
  227. Official residences. (4)
  228. Opera singers. (10)
  229. Opium. (4)
  230. Organ grinders. (6)
  231. Orthodox churches. (1)
  232. Ox teams. (7)
  233. Packtrains. (3)
  234. Pagodas. (15)
  235. Painting. (1)
  236. Paintings (201)
  237. Palms. (1)
  238. Panpipes. (1)
  239. Parades & processions. (1)
  240. Parks. (17)
  241. Passageways. (1)
  242. Peddlers. (32)
  243. pen and ink on photograph … (1)
  244. Periodical illustrations (7)
  245. Photograph (1)
  246. Photographers. (7)
  247. Photographic studios. (5)
  248. Pianos. (4)
  249. Picnics. (5)
  250. Piers & wharves. (2)
  251. Pilgrimages. (9)
  252. Plantations. (20)
  253. Plants. (5)
  254. Plazas. (21)
  255. Ponies. (1)
  256. Pony carts. (1)
  257. Porcelain. (5)
  258. Portrait drawings (10)
  259. Portrait paintings (73)
  260. Portrait photographs (9508)
  261. Portraits (83)
  262. Pottery. (1)
  263. Presidents. (17)
  264. Priests. (3)
  265. Printers. (5)
  266. Protestant churches. (2)
  267. Pueblos. (78)
  268. Rainbows. (3)
  269. Recreation. (16)
  270. Religious articles (1)
  271. Religious communities. (1)
  272. Religious facilities. (75)
  273. Resorts. (19)
  274. Rice paddies. (14)
  275. Rickshaws. (1)
  276. Rings. (1)
  277. Rites & ceremonies. (18)
  278. Rivers. (3)
  279. Roads. (6)
  280. Rock art. (1)
  281. Rock formations. (17)
  282. Roofs. (1)
  283. Rowboats. (1)
  284. Ruins. (93)
  285. Sailors. (1)
  286. School children. (1)
  287. Screen paintings (1)
  288. Sculpture (66)
  289. Sculpture. (218)
  290. Seascapes (13)
  291. Self-portraits (14)
  292. Settlements. (7)
  293. Sheep. (1)
  294. Shellfish. (1)
  295. Shelters. (4)
  296. Ship captains. (4)
  297. Shipping. (17)
  298. Ships. (17)
  299. Show jumping. (15)
  300. Shrines. (42)
  301. Sidewalks. (1)
  302. Sightseers. (10)
  303. Signs. (4)
  304. Singers. (3)
  305. Sketches (14)
  306. Sleds & sleighs. (1)
  307. slide (471)
  308. Smoking. (2)
  309. Snow. (2)
  310. Spanish moss. (2)
  311. Springs. (1)
  312. Stained glass. (1)
  313. Stairways. (16)
  314. Steamboats. (1)
  315. Stone lanterns. (17)
  316. Stores & shops. (2)
  317. Storks. (1)
  318. Streams. (9)
  319. Street entertainers. (3)
  320. Streets. (424)
  321. Stringed instruments. (10)
  322. Sunflowers. (1)
  323. Sunrises & sunsets. (5)
  324. Swans. (1)
  325. Swimming pools. (3)
  326. Tableware. (1)
  327. Tapestries. (1)
  328. Tea parties. (1)
  329. Tea. (1)
  330. Temples. (49)
  331. Tents. (7)
  332. Textiles. (2)
  333. Theatrical productions. (99)
  334. Tombs & sepulchral monum … (28)
  335. Torii. (26)
  336. Trails & paths. (8)
  337. transparency (300)
  338. Travel (3)
  339. Trees. (43)
  340. Tribal chiefs. (13)
  341. Tropical forests. (2)
  342. Turkeys. (1)
  343. Universities & colleges. (28)
  344. Vases (3)
  345. Vases. (6)
  346. Villages. (145)
  347. Violins. (37)
  348. Violoncellos. (4)
  349. Volcanoes. (4)
  350. Wading. (1)
  351. Walking. (3)
  352. Walls. (11)
  353. Waterfalls. (22)
  354. Waterfronts. (16)
  355. Weddings. (9)
  356. Wells. (2)
  357. Wetlands. (1)
  358. Wildflowers. (2)
  359. Windows. (2)
  360. Wrestlers. (2)

Browse All : Photographs by Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division

1-50 of 16,870
1 2 3  
Meher Baba, portrait photograph
Arnold Genthe
Meher Baba, portrait ph...
1931 Nov. 28
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Arnold Genthe
Meher Baba, portrait photograph
Creation Date
1931 Nov. 28
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Portrait photograph of David Octavius Hill
Robert Adamson
Portrait photograph of ...
between 1896 and 1942; ...
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Robert Adamson
Portrait photograph of David Octavius Hill
Creation Date
between 1896 and 1942; from a print
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Sculpture mask of Arnold Genthe by Robert Aitken
Robert I Aitken
Sculpture mask of Arnol...
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Robert I Aitken
Sculpture mask of Arnold Genthe by Robert Aitken
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Sculpture mask of Arnold Genthe by Robert Aitken
Robert I Aitken
Sculpture mask of Arnol...
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Robert I Aitken
Sculpture mask of Arnold Genthe by Robert Aitken
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Sculpture mask of Arnold Genthe by Robert Aitken
Robert I Aitken
Sculpture mask of Arnol...
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Robert I Aitken
Sculpture mask of Arnold Genthe by Robert Aitken
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
J.P. Morgan
Carlos Baca-Flor
J.P. Morgan
between 1911 and 1913
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Carlos Baca-Flor
J.P. Morgan
Creation Date
between 1911 and 1913
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
J.P. Morgan
Carlos Baca-Flor
J.P. Morgan
between 1911 and 1913
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Carlos Baca-Flor
J.P. Morgan
Creation Date
between 1911 and 1913
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
J.P. Morgan
Carlos Baca-Flor
J.P. Morgan
between 1911 and 1913
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Carlos Baca-Flor
J.P. Morgan
Creation Date
between 1911 and 1913
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
J.P. Morgan
Carlos Baca-Flor
J.P. Morgan
between 1911 and 1913
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Carlos Baca-Flor
J.P. Morgan
Creation Date
between 1911 and 1913
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
J.P. Morgan
Carlos Baca-Flor
J.P. Morgan
between 1911 and 1913
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Carlos Baca-Flor
J.P. Morgan
Creation Date
between 1911 and 1913
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Morgan, J.P., portrait painting
Carlos Baca-Flor
Morgan, J.P., portrait ...
1935 Sept. or Oct
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Carlos Baca-Flor
Morgan, J.P., portrait painting
Creation Date
1935 Sept. or Oct
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Stuart Benson sculpture
Stuart Benson
Stuart Benson sculpture
1934 Nov
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Stuart Benson
Stuart Benson sculpture
Creation Date
1934 Nov
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Sculptures by Stuart Benson
Stuart Benson
Sculptures by Stuart Be...
1934 Nov
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Stuart Benson
Sculptures by Stuart Benson
Creation Date
1934 Nov
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Sculpture by Stuart Benson
Stuart Benson
Sculpture by Stuart Ben...
1934 Nov
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Stuart Benson
Sculpture by Stuart Benson
Creation Date
1934 Nov
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Sculpture by Stuart Benson
Stuart Benson
Sculpture by Stuart Ben...
1934 Nov
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Stuart Benson
Sculpture by Stuart Benson
Creation Date
1934 Nov
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Sculpture by Stuart Benson
Stuart Benson
Sculpture by Stuart Ben...
1934 Nov
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Stuart Benson
Sculpture by Stuart Benson
Creation Date
1934 Nov
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Sculpture by Stuart Benson
Stuart Benson
Sculpture by Stuart Ben...
1934 Nov
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Stuart Benson
Sculpture by Stuart Benson
Creation Date
1934 Nov
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Sculpture by Stuart Benson
Stuart Benson
Sculpture by Stuart Ben...
1934 Nov
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Stuart Benson
Sculpture by Stuart Benson
Creation Date
1934 Nov
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Sculpture by Stuart Benson
Stuart Benson
Sculpture by Stuart Ben...
1934 Nov
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Stuart Benson
Sculpture by Stuart Benson
Creation Date
1934 Nov
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Sculpture by Stuart Benson
Stuart Benson
Sculpture by Stuart Ben...
1934 Nov
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Stuart Benson
Sculpture by Stuart Benson
Creation Date
1934 Nov
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Sculpture by Stuart Benson
Stuart Benson
Sculpture by Stuart Ben...
1934 Nov
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Stuart Benson
Sculpture by Stuart Benson
Creation Date
1934 Nov
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Sculpture by Stuart Benson
Stuart Benson
Sculpture by Stuart Ben...
1934 Nov
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Stuart Benson
Sculpture by Stuart Benson
Creation Date
1934 Nov
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Sculpture by Stuart Benson
Stuart Benson
Sculpture by Stuart Ben...
1934 or 1935
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Stuart Benson
Sculpture by Stuart Benson
Creation Date
1934 or 1935
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Sculpture by Stuart Benson
Stuart Benson
Sculpture by Stuart Ben...
1934 or 1935
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Stuart Benson
Sculpture by Stuart Benson
Creation Date
1934 or 1935
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Sculpture by Stuart Benson
Stuart Benson
Sculpture by Stuart Ben...
1934 or 1935
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Stuart Benson
Sculpture by Stuart Benson
Creation Date
1934 or 1935
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Sculpture by Stuart Benson
Stuart Benson
Sculpture by Stuart Ben...
1934 or 1935
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Stuart Benson
Sculpture by Stuart Benson
Creation Date
1934 or 1935
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Sculpture by Stuart Benson
Stuart Benson
Sculpture by Stuart Ben...
1934 or 1935
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Stuart Benson
Sculpture by Stuart Benson
Creation Date
1934 or 1935
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Sculpture by Stuart Benson
Stuart Benson
Sculpture by Stuart Ben...
1934 or 1935
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Stuart Benson
Sculpture by Stuart Benson
Creation Date
1934 or 1935
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Sculpture by Stuart Benson
Stuart Benson
Sculpture by Stuart Ben...
1934 or 1935
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Stuart Benson
Sculpture by Stuart Benson
Creation Date
1934 or 1935
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Oscar Bluemner's paintings
Oscar Bluemner
Oscar Bluemner's painti...
1925 June 4
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Oscar Bluemner
Oscar Bluemner's paintings
Creation Date
1925 June 4
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Oscar Bluemner's paintings
Oscar Bluemner
Oscar Bluemner's painti...
1925 June 4
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Oscar Bluemner
Oscar Bluemner's paintings
Creation Date
1925 June 4
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Oscar Bluemner's paintings
Oscar Bluemner
Oscar Bluemner's painti...
1925 June 10
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Oscar Bluemner
Oscar Bluemner's paintings
Creation Date
1925 June 10
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Sculpture by Mr. Gutzon Borglum
Gutzon Borglum
Sculpture by Mr. Gutzon...
between 1915 and 1917
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Gutzon Borglum
Sculpture by Mr. Gutzon Borglum
Creation Date
between 1915 and 1917
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Lincoln statue by Gutzon Borglum
Gutzon Borglum
Lincoln statue by Gutzo...
between 1915 and 1917
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Gutzon Borglum
Lincoln statue by Gutzon Borglum
Creation Date
between 1915 and 1917
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Painting of the Piet? by Arnold B?cklin belonging to George Schulein
Arnold Böcklin
Painting of the Piet? b...
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Arnold Böcklin
Painting of the Piet? by Arnold B?cklin belonging to George Schulein
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Photograph of portrait of a man by Andrea del Castagno
[Andrea del Castagno, A...
Photograph of portrait ...
ca. 1912
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
[Andrea del Castagno, Arnold Genthe]
Photograph of portrait of a man by Andrea del Castagno
Creation Date
ca. 1912
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Photograph of a painting of Saint Cecilia
Bernardo Cavallino
Photograph of a paintin...
between 1906 and 1942
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Bernardo Cavallino
Photograph of a painting of Saint Cecilia
Creation Date
between 1906 and 1942
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Photograph of a painting of Saint Cecilia
Bernardo Cavallino
Photograph of a paintin...
between 1906 and 1942
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Bernardo Cavallino
Photograph of a painting of Saint Cecilia
Creation Date
between 1906 and 1942
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Photograph of a painting of Saint Cecilia
Bernardo Cavallino
Photograph of a paintin...
between 1906 and 1942
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Bernardo Cavallino
Photograph of a painting of Saint Cecilia
Creation Date
between 1906 and 1942
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
The mirror
Frederick S Church
The mirror
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Frederick S Church
The mirror
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Wilson, Woodrow, President, portrait sculpture by Jo Davidson
Jo Davidson
Wilson, Woodrow, Presid...
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Jo Davidson
Wilson, Woodrow, President, portrait sculpture by Jo Davidson
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Portrait bust by Jo Davidson
Jo Davidson
Portrait bust by Jo Dav...
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Jo Davidson
Portrait bust by Jo Davidson
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Painting by the Marquise DeTraysseix Mazieres
DeTraysseix Mazieres
Painting by the Marquis...
1921 Jan. 22
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
DeTraysseix Mazieres
Painting by the Marquise DeTraysseix Mazieres
Creation Date
1921 Jan. 22
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Cartoon drawing of Arnold Genthe photographing a young woman by Maynard Dixon
Maynard Dixon
Cartoon drawing of Arno...
between 1896 and 1942
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Maynard Dixon
Cartoon drawing of Arnold Genthe photographing a young woman by Maynard Dixon
Creation Date
between 1896 and 1942
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Epstein, Jacob, Mr., sculpture of Ramsay MacDonald
Jacob Epstein
Epstein, Jacob, Mr., sc...
1927 Oct. 28
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Jacob Epstein
Epstein, Jacob, Mr., sculpture of Ramsay MacDonald
Creation Date
1927 Oct. 28
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Epstein, Jacob, Mr., sculpture of Ramsay MacDonald
Jacob Epstein
Epstein, Jacob, Mr., sc...
1927 Oct. 28
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Jacob Epstein
Epstein, Jacob, Mr., sculpture of Ramsay MacDonald
Creation Date
1927 Oct. 28
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Epstein, Jacob, Mr., sculpture
Jacob Epstein
Epstein, Jacob, Mr., sc...
1927 Oct. 28
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Jacob Epstein
Epstein, Jacob, Mr., sculpture
Creation Date
1927 Oct. 28
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Epstein, Jacob, Mr., sculpture of Professor Samuel Alexander
Jacob Epstein
Epstein, Jacob, Mr., sc...
1927 Oct. 28
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Jacob Epstein
Epstein, Jacob, Mr., sculpture of Professor Samuel Alexander
Creation Date
1927 Oct. 28
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Epstein, Jacob, Mr., sculpture of poet Moysha Oyzed
Jacob Epstein
Epstein, Jacob, Mr., sc...
1927 Oct. 28
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Jacob Epstein
Epstein, Jacob, Mr., sculpture of poet Moysha Oyzed
Creation Date
1927 Oct. 28
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Epstein, Jacob, Mr., sculpture of R.B. Cunningham Graham
Jacob Epstein
Epstein, Jacob, Mr., sc...
1927 Oct. 28
Library of Congress Pri...
Creator Name-CRT
Jacob Epstein
Epstein, Jacob, Mr., sculpture of R.B. Cunningham Graham
Creation Date
1927 Oct. 28
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
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