Alexander, Francis
Alexander, John White
Allegri, Antonio
Allen, Thomas
Allston, Washington
Ames, Joseph
Anderson, Karl
Aronson, David
Arthois, Jacques d'
Audubon, Victor Gifford
Babcock, William P.
Baburen, Dirk van
Bacon, Henry
Badger, Joseph
Bail, Joseph
Ball, Thomas
Bard, James
Baselitz, Georg
Bassano, Jacopo
Batoni, Pompeo
Beard, William Holbrook
Beaux, Cecilia
Beccafumi, Domenico
Belliniani, Vittore
Bellows, George Wesley
Belotto, Bernardo
Benson, Frank Weston
Bernard, Emile
Bertin, Jean, Victor
Bidauld, Jean Joseph Xavi
Bierstadt, Albert
Binder, Jacob
Bingham, George
Birch, Thomas
Blackburn, Joseph
Blakelock, Ralph Albert
Blashfield, Edwin Howland
Bleckner, Ross
Blommers, Bernardus, Joha
Blythe, David Gilmour
Boggs, Frank, Myers
Boilly, Louis, Lépold
Boit, Edward Darley
Bol, Ferdinand
Bonecchi, Matteo
Bonifazio di Pitati
Bonington, Richard Parkes
Bonnat, Léon
Borch, Gerard ter
Bordone, Paris Paschalinu
Bosboom, Johannes
Bosley, Frederick Andrew
Both, Jan
Boucher, Fran??ois
Boucher, François
Boudin, Eugène Louis
Boudin, Louis, Eugène
Bouguereau, William-Adolp
Bourdon, S??bastien
Boutelle, De Witt Clinton
Bowers, Edward
Boze, Joseph
Brandl, Peter
Breton, Jules
Brewster, John
Bricher, Alfred Thompson
Bridgman, Frederick Arthu
Brown, George Loring
Brown, George, Loring
Brown, John Appleton
Brown, John George
Brown, Mather
Browne, Byron
Brugghen, Hendrick ter
Bunker, Dennis Miller
Bunting, Jesse D.
Burne-Jones, Edward Coley
Caillebotte, Gustave
Cairo, Francesco
Caliari, Paolo
Canal, Giovanni Antonio
Canal, Giovanni, Antonio
Cappella, Francesco
Carpenter, Margaret
Carracci, Annibale
Carreno De Miranda, Juan
Carter, Mrs. Robert
Cassatt, Mary
Castelli, Giovanni Paolo
Cazin, Stanislas Henri Je
Cazin, Stanislas, Henri J
Chambers, Thomas
Champaigne, Philippe de
Champney, Benjamin
Chandler, Joseph
Chandler, Winthrop
Chapman, John Gadsby
Chardin, Jean Baptiste Si
Chardin, Jean Baptiste Si
Charreton, Victor, L??on
Chase, Adelaide Cole
Chase, William Merritt
Church, Frederic Edwin
Churchill, William Worces
Clark, Alvan
Clark, Virginia Keep
Clonney, James Goodwyn
Codman, Charles
Codman, John Amory
Cole, Joseph Foxcroft
Cole, Joseph Greenleaf
Cole, Thomas
Coles, John
Collins, Alfred Quinton
Conca, Sebastiano
Constable, John
Copley, John Singleton
Corot, Jean-Baptiste, Cam
Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Cam
Corvi, Domenico
Costigan, John, Edward
Cotes, Francis
Courbet, Gustave
Couture, Thomas
Cranch, Christopher Pears
Crawford, Ralston
Crespi, Giuseppe Maria
Crome, John
Cropsey, Jasper Francis
Cushing, Howard Gardiner
Cézanne, Paul
d' Hondecoeter, Melchior
Dabo, Leon Scott
Dagnan-Bouveret, Pascal A
Dannat, William, Turner
Darby, Henry
Darrah, Sophia Towne
Daubigny, Charles Fran??o
Daubigny, Charles Françoi
Daumier, Honoré-Victorin
Davies, Arthur Bowen
Davis, Charles Harold
de Haas, Maurits Frederik
de Heusch, Willem
de Hooch, Pieter
de Ribera, Jusepe
de Zurbarán, Francisco
Deas, Charles
Decamp, Joseph
Decamps, Alexandre Gabrie
Decker, Joseph
Degas, Edgar Germain Hil
Degas, Edgar, Hilaire Ger
Delacroix, Eugène
Delaroche, Paul Hippolyte
Detaille, Jean Baptiste E
Dewing, Thomas Wilmer
di Leone, Andrea
Diaz de la Pe?±a, Narciss
Diaz de la Peña, Narcisse
Dickinson, Preston
Dietz, Joseph J.
Dodson, Sarah Paxton Ball
Dore, Gustave
Doughty, Thomas
Dove, Arthur Garfield
Drouais, Francois
Drouais, Hubert
Ducreux, Joseph
Dughet, Gaspard (Gaspard
Duncanson, Robert S.
Dupr??, Jules
Dupr??, Julien
Dupré, Julien
Durand, Asher Brown
Durrie, George Henry
Duveneck, Frank
Dyck, Anthony van
Eakins, Thomas
Earl, Ralph
Eastman, Seth
Eaton, Wyatt
Eckstein, Johann
Ehninger, John Whetten
Eichholtz, Jacob
El Greco
Elliott, Charles Loring
Enneking, John, Joseph
Etnier, Stephen, Morgan
Evans, De Scott
Evergood, Philip
Fabre, Fran??ois, Xavier
Fabritius, Carel
Fantin-Latour, Ignace Hen
Fantin-Latour, Ignace Hen
Farrer, Thomas Charles
Fedeli, Domenico
Feke, Robert
Fetti, Domenico
Field, Erastus Salisbury
Fiene, Ernest, W.
Fisher, Alvan
Fiske, Gertrude
Forain, Jean Louis
Fortuny y Carbó, Mariano,
Fragonard, Jean Honor??
Fran??ais, Fran??ois, Lou
Francis, John F.
Français, François
Frieseke, Frederick Carl
Fromentin, Eug??ne
Fromkes, Maurice
Frothingham, James
Fuller, George
Fuller, Richard, H.
Fyt, Jan
G??r??me, Jean-L??on
G??ricault, Th??odore
Gainsborough, Thomas
Gallison, Henry Hammond
Gatch, Lee
Gaugengigl, Ignaz Marcel
Gauguin, Paul
Gauntt, Jefferson
Gay, Walter
Gay, Winckworth Allan
Gelder, Aert de
George, E.
Gerry, Samuel Lancaster
Giaquinto, Corrado
Gignoux, Francois
Gignoux, Francois Regis
Giordano Luca
Giordano, Luca
Girodet de Roucy-Trioson,
Giroux, Charles
Glackens, William James
Gogh, Vincent Van
Goltzius, Hendrick
Goodwin, Arthur Clifton
Goodwin, Arthur, Clifton
Goya y Lucientes, Francis
Goya y Lucientes, Francis
Goya y Lucientes, Francis
Graham, William
Green, Charles Edwin Lewi
Greenwood, John
Gregory, E.
Greuze, Jean-Baptiste
Gris, Juan
Gros and Studio, Antoine
Guardi, Francesco
Guillaumin, Jean Baptiste
Gérôme, Jean-Léon
Haberle, John
Haeften, Nicolas van
Hale, Ellen
Hale, Lilian
Hale, Philip Leslie
Hall, George Henry
Hallowell, George Hawley
Hallé, Noël
Halpert, Samuel
Hals, Frans
Hamblin, Sturtevant
Hamblin, Sturtevant J.
Hamilton, Edward
Hammer, John J.
Hammersh?i, Vilhelm
Hanson-Murphy, Deborah
Harding, Chester
Hardy, Jeremiah Pearson
Harnett, William Michael
Harpignies, Henri-Joseph
Hart, James McDougal
Hart, William
Hartley, Marsden
Harvey, George
Hassam, Childe
Hawthorne, Charles W.
Hayden, Charles Henry
Heade, Martin Johnson
Heade, Martin, Johnson
Healy, George Peter Alexa
Henri, Robert
Henri, Robert Earle
Herkomer, Hubert von
Hesselius, John
Hibbard, Aldro T.
Hicks, Thomas
Hinckley, Thomas Hewes
Hollen, John
Hollingsworth, George
Homer, Winslow
Hope, James
Hopkinson, Charles
Hopper, Edward
Howell, Felicie Waldo
Hudson, Jr., John
Hughes-Stanton, Herbert
Hunt, Frances Emily
Hunt, William Morris
Ingham, Charles Cromwell
Inman, Henry
Inness, George
Inokuma, Genichiro
Isabey, Louis, Gabriel Eu
Israels, Jozef
Israëls, Jozef
Jacque, Charles, Emile
James, William
Jarvis, John Wesley
Jennys, William
Johnson, David
Johnson, Eastman
Johnston, John
Johnston, John Bernard
Jones, Hugh Bolton
Jones, Leon Foster
Jongh, Ludolf de
Jongkind, Johan Barthold
Jongkind, Johan, Barthold
Jordaens, Jacob
K?bke, Christen
Kaula, William Jurian
Keil, Bernard
Keith, William
Kelly, Ellsworth
Kendall, William Sergeant
Kensett, John Frederick
Kent, Rockwell
King, Charles Bird
Koch, John
L??pici??, Nicolas Bernar
La Farge, John
Lamb, Aimée
Lambdin, George Cochran
Lambinet, Emile Charles
Lambinet, Emille Charles
LaMont, De Grachshus
Lancret, Nicolas
Lane, Fitz
Lane, Fitz Hugh
Lang, Louis
Largillière, Nicolas de
Lavery, John
Lawrence, A. A.
Lawrence, Thomas
Lawson, Ernest
Le Nain, Mathieu
Le Sueur, Eustache
Lefèvre, Robert Jacques
Leighton, Frederic, baron
Leighton, Nicholas Winfie
Leutze, Emanuel Gottlieb
Lhermitte, L??on Augustin
Lhermitte, Léon Augustin
Lie, Jonas
Lockwood, Robert Wilton
Loemans, Alexander
Longfellow, Ernest Wadswo
Loring, Francis William
Lorrain, Claude
Lotto, Lorenzo
Luks, George Benjamin
Luminais, Evariste Vital
Lépine, Stanislas
Macomber, Mary Lizzie
Maes, Nicolaes
Maganza, Giovanni Battist
Magnasco, Alessandro
Major, Ernest Lee
Manchester, M. M.
Manet, Édouard
Maratti, Carlo
Marchant, Edward Dalton
Maris, Willem
Martin, John
Mason, William Sanford
Massari, Lucio
Maufra, Maxime
Mauve, Anton
May, Edward Harrison
Mehus, Livio
Meltsner, Paul Raphael
Meléndez, Luis
Meneghelli, Enrico
Merson, Luc Olivier
Metcalf, Willard Leroy
Metsu, Gabriel
Michel, Georges
Miller, Alfred Jacob
Millet, Jean-François
Molenaer, Jan, Miense
Monet, Claude
Moran, Edward
Moret, Henry
Morisot, Berthe
Morland, George
Moroni, Giovanni Battista
Morse, Samuel Finley Bree
Mount, William Sidney
Mowbray, Henry Siddons
Murillo, Bartolom??, Este
Murphy, Hermann Dudley
Murphy, John Francis
Museum of Fine Arts, B
Nakamura, Kanji
Neagle, John
Neal, David Dalhoff
Neel, Alice
Newman, Henry Roderick
Newton, Gilbert Stuart
Newton, Herbert Herman
Nichon, Pierre
Nicol, Erskine
Norton, William Edward
Noyes, George Loftus
Otis, Bass
Ovens, J?¼rgen
Page, Marie Danforth
Page, William
Palma, Jacopo
Panini, Giovanni Paolo
Paolini, Pietro
Parton, Arthur
Passerotti, Bartolomeo
Patterson, Margaret Jorda
Paxton, William
Paxton, William McGregor
Peale, Charles Willson
Peale, Charles, Willson
Peale, James
Peale, Rembrandt
Peale, Rubens
Peckham, Robert
Penniman, John Ritto
Peploe, Samuel John
Perroneau, Jean-Baptiste
Perry, Lilla Cabot
Peto, John Frederick
Phillips, Ammi
Piazzetta, Giovanni Batti
Picknell, William Lamb
Picknell, William, Lamb
Pietro da Cortona (Pietro
Pippin, Horace
Pissarro, Camille
Plamondon, Peter
Platt, Charles Adams
Pond, Dana Ripley
Pope, Alexander
Porter, Fairfield
Post, Edward C.
Poussin, Nicolas
Powers, Asahel
Pratt, Henry, Cheever
Prendergast, Maurice Braz
Prior, William Matthew
Procaccini, Giulio, Cesar
Puvis de Chavannes, Pierr
Quellinus, Erasmus
Quidor, John
Raeburn, Henry
Raleigh, Charles Sidney
Ranney, William
Read, Thomas, Buchanan
Redfield, Edward Willis
Regnault, Henri
Rembrandt Harmensz van Ri
Remington, Frederic
Renoir, Pierre Auguste
Reyn, Jean
Reynolds, Joshua
Ribera, Jusepe de
Ricci, Sebastiano
Richards, William Trost
Richards, William, Trost
Richardson, Jonathan
Rigaud, Hyacinthe
Rimmer, William
Roberts, Arthur Henry
Robinson, Thomas, R.
Robusti, Domenico
Roesen, Severin
Rogers, Gretchen Woodman
Romney, George
Ross, Denman Waldo
Rossiter, Thomas Prichard
Rotch, Benjamin Smith
Rothermel, Peter Frederic
Rousseau, Theodore
Rousseau, Théodore
Rubens, Peter Paul
Ruisdael, Jacob van
Ruoppolo, Giovanni, Batti
Ryder, Albert Pinkham
Santerre, Jean Baptiste
Saraceni, Carlo
Sargent, Henry
Sargent, John Singer
Savery, Roelandt
Scheffer, Ary
Schmitt, Albert Felix
Schramm-Zittau, Max, Rudo
Scott, J.
Selinger, John Paul
Sharp, William
Shaw, Joshua
Sheeler, Charles
Signac, Paul
Simon, Lucien
Sisley, Alfred
Smibert, John
Smith, Dana
Smith, Frank Hill
Smith, Thomas
Snyders, Frans
Sorolla y Bastida, JoaquÃ
Spear, Arthur Prince
Speicher, Eugene
Spencer, Niles
Sprague, Isaac
Staigg, Richard, Morrell
Steen, Jan
Stella, Joseph
Sterne, Maurice
Sterner, Albert
Stevens, Alfred
Stillman, William James
Stock, Joseph Whiting
Story, Julian
Story, Julian Russell
Stosskopf, Sebastian
Street, Robert
Strozzi, Bernardo
Stuart, Gilbert
Stuart, James Reeve
Stuart, Jane
Stubbs, George
Suba, Miklos
Subleyras, Pierre
Such, B. J.
Sully, Thomas
Susterman, Justus
Tack, Augustus Vincent
Taillasson, Jean Joseph
Tarbell, Edmund Charles
Thaulow, Johan, Frederik
Thayer, Abbott Handerson
Theüs, Jeremiah
Thieme, Anthony
Thomas Couture
Thompson, Adrian
Thompson, Cephas
Thompson, Jerome B.
Thompson, Leslie Prince
Tiepolo, Giovanni Battist
Tintoretto, Domenico (Dom
Tintoretto, Jacopo
Tirrell, George
Tissot, James
Toulmouche, Auguste
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri d
Troccoli, Giovanni Battis
Troyon, Constant
Trumbull, John
Tryon, Sarah, J.
Tuckerman, Stephen Salisb
Turner, Joseph Mallord Wi
Turner, Joseph, Mallord W
Turpin de Crissé, Théodor
Tuthill, Abraham
Twachtman, John Henry
Valenciennes, Pierre Henr
van de Velde, Jan, Jansz.
Van Loo, Jean Baptiste
van Oost, Jacob
van Vliet, Hendrick Corne
Vassallo, Anton Maria
Vedder, Elihu
Velázquez, Antonio, Gonza
Velázquez, Diego RodrÃgue
Verelst, Simon Peeterz
Veronese, Paolo
Vigée-LeBrun, Elisabeth L
Vincent, Harry Aiken
Vinton, Frederic Porter
Voet, Jacob Ferdinand
Vollon, Antoine
von Aachen, Hans
von Wicht, John
Vonck, Elias
Vuillard, Édouard
Waite, Emily Burling (Emi
Waitz, R.
Waldo, Samuel Lovett
Walker, Ethel
Walker, William Aiken
Waterman, Marcus A.
Waters, Susan
Watteau, Jean Antoine
Watters, J. P. Mc L.
Webbe, William J.
Weber, Max
Weenix, Jan
Weir, John Ferguson
Weir, Robert Walter
Wendel, Theodore, M.
Wertmüller, Adolph Ulric
West, Benjamin
Weston, Harold
Whistler, James Abbott Mc
White, Edwin
White, John, Blake
Whiting, S.
Whitman, Sarah Wyman
Whittredge, Thomas Worthi
Whorf, John
Wight, Moses
Wildens, Jan
Wilkie, Robert
Wilson, Richard
Winter, C.
Winterhalter, Franz, Xavi
Witte, Emanuel de
Wittkamp, Andrew
Woodbury, Charles Herbert
Wright of Derby, Joseph
Wright, James
Wyant, Alexander Helwig
Zais, Giuseppe
Zorn, Anders Leonard
Zorn, Anders, Leonard
Zuloaga y Zabaleta, Ignac
Zurbarán, Francisco de
Browse All
Paintings and Oil on canvas by Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Coles, Jr.
Young William Dehon
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
Alfred Quinton Collins
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
Sebastiano Conca
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Constable
Stour Valley and Dedham Church
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Constable
Weymouth Bay from the Downs above Osmington Mills
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. Joseph Mann (Bethia Torrey)
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. Joseph Mann (Bethia Torrey)
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mary and Elizabeth Royall
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mary and Elizabeth Royall
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mary and Elizabeth Royall
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mary and Elizabeth Royall
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mary and Elizabeth Royall
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mary and Elizabeth Royall
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Ann Tyng (Mrs. Thomas Smelt)
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Ann Tyng (Mrs. Thomas Smelt)
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Ann Tyng (Mrs. Thomas Smelt)
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. Samuel Quincy (Hannah Hill)
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. Samuel Quincy (Hannah Hill)
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. Samuel Quincy (Hannah Hill)
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. Samuel Quincy (Hannah Hill)
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. William Coffin (Ann Holmes)
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Creation Date
about 1761-63
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. James Warren (Mercy Otis)
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. James Warren (Mercy Otis)
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. James Warren (Mercy Otis)
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. John Amory (Katherine Greene)
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. Nathaniel Ellery (Ann Sargent)
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. Nathaniel Ellery (Ann Sargent)
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. Nathaniel Ellery (Ann Sargent)
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. Timothy Rogers (Lucy Boylston)
Creation Date
about 1766-67
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. Timothy Rogers (Lucy Boylston)
Creation Date
about 1766-67
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Elizabeth Ross (Mrs. William Tyng)
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Henry Pelham (Boy with a Squirrel)
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Henry Pelham (Boy with a Squirrel)
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Henry Pelham (Boy with a Squirrel)
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
Copley, John Singleton
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston