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Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Not Dated
Jules Ferdinand Jacquemart
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Not Dated
Souliers du 15??me si??cle
Jules Ferdinand Jacquemart
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Not Dated
Jules Ferdinand Jacquemart
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Not Dated
Figure de Femme
Jules Ferdinand Jacquemart
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Not Dated
Figurines japonaises en bois …
Jules Ferdinand Jacquemart
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Not Dated
Casques de Gladiateurs
Jules Ferdinand Jacquemart
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Not Dated
Man in XV century dress
Jules Ferdinand Jacquemart
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Not Dated
Two studies of women in 15th …
Jules Ferdinand Jacquemart
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Not Dated
Panel of ornament
Jules Ferdinand Jacquemart
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Not Dated
Panel of ornament
Jules Ferdinand Jacquemart
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Not Dated
Panel of ornament
Jules Ferdinand Jacquemart
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Not Dated
Panel of ornament
Jules Ferdinand Jacquemart
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Not Dated
Panel of ornament
Jules Ferdinand Jacquemart