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Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Not Dated
A Specimen of the Art of Pen …
C. T. Bosworth
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
In the Carolina Swamps -- Th …
Davis, Theodore Russell
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
At the Drop of the Hat
Davis, Theodore Russell
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
July 3, 1863
Grant and Pemberton, July 3, …
Davis, Theodore Russell
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
May 1863
"Mack of the Commercial"
Davis, Theodore Russell
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
April 1865
Grant's Visit to Raleigh, NC …
Davis, Theodore Russell
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Not Dated
Stag leaping to right
George H. Runnels
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dates not recorded
Man riding a plodding Horse
Unidentified Artist