Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
about 540-520 B.C.
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
about 700-675 B.C.
Mantiklos "Apollo"
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
about 520-510 B.C.
Hermes Kriophoros (the ram b
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
about 420 B.C.
Young soldier
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
about 800-700 B.C.
Zeus and Hera (?)
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
about 530 B.C.
Head of a youth
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
about 800-700 B.C.
Deer nursing her fawn
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
about 530-520 B.C.
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
Head of a dog
Artist not recorded