Browse All : Images by Rovere, Giovanni Battista della (Fiammenghino) and Nebbia, Cesare and Rovere, Giovanni Mauro della (Fiammenghino) and Rovere, Giovanni Battista della (Fiammenghino) from 1595 and Italian; c.1561-c.1630 Europe,Italy and 1591 and 1591-1595

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Study for Saint Francis of Assisi Giving His Cloak to an Impoverished Knight
[Giovan Battista della ...
Study for Saint Francis...
The Art Institute of Ch...
Creator Name-CRT
[Giovan Battista della Rovere, Giovan Battista della Rovere, Annibale Carracci, Cesare Nebbia, Giovanni Mauro della Rovere, Giovanni Mauro della Rovere]
Study for Saint Francis of Assisi Giving His Cloak to an Impoverished Knight
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
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