Browse All : albumen print on paper mounted on paperboard and Photographs by Smithsonian American Art Museum from 1869 and 1830-1902
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Creator Name-CRT
Andrew Joseph Russell
Ripple Lake, White Pine Canon, Utah, from the Great West Illustrated In a Series of Photographic Viewsacross the Continent Taken along the Line of the Union Pacific Railroad, West from Omaha, Nebrask
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Smithsonian American Art Museum
Creator Name-CRT
Andrew Joseph Russell
Sphinx of the Valley, from The Great West Illustrated in a Series of Photographic Views across theContinent taken along the line of the Union Pacific Railroad West from Omaha, Nebraska by A.J. Russel
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Smithsonian American Art Museum
Creator Name-CRT
Andrew Joseph Russell
Weber, from One Thousand Feet Elevation, from the Great West Illustrated in a Series of PhotographicViews across the Continent taken along the line of the Union Pacific Railroad West from Omaha, Nebr
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Smithsonian American Art Museum
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