Browse All : Prints and Drawings and Drawing by The Art Institute of Chicago and Andrea Del Sarto of Europe,Italy

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Saint Michael and San Giovanni Gualberto
Andrea del Sarto Andrea...
Saint Michael and San G...
Late 16th Century
The Art Institute of Ch...
Creator Name-CRT
Andrea del Sarto Andrea del Sarto
Saint Michael and San Giovanni Gualberto
Creation Date
Late 16th Century
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
Standing Woman
Andrea del Sarto Andrea...
Standing Woman
The Art Institute of Ch...
Creator Name-CRT
Andrea del Sarto Andrea del Sarto
Standing Woman
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
Saint Mary Magdalene
Andrea del Sarto Andrea...
Saint Mary Magdalene
The Art Institute of Ch...
Creator Name-CRT
Andrea del Sarto Andrea del Sarto
Saint Mary Magdalene
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
Virgin Mary Standing in Profile
[Franciabigio Franciabi...
Virgin Mary Standing in...
mid-16th century
The Art Institute of Ch...
Creator Name-CRT
[Franciabigio Franciabigio, Andrea del Sarto Andrea del Sarto, Franciabigio Franciabigio, Daniela da Volterra, Circle of]
Virgin Mary Standing in Profile
Creation Date
mid-16th century
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
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