The Art Institute of Chicago
=c. 1885-1888 wkg reg
[Mme Lili Grenier, Madame Gr
Henri Marie Raymond de Toulo
The Art Institute of Chicago
=c. 1887 wkg J79c//=1885 wkg
[At the Door, At the Door (C
Henri Marie Raymond de Toulo
The Art Institute of Chicago
=1893 wkg amr
La Macarona in the Costume o
Henri Marie Raymond de Toulo
The Art Institute of Chicago
=c. 1895 wkg J79c//=1895 wkg
The Cortege of the Rajah
Henri Marie Raymond de Toulo
The Art Institute of Chicago
[Double harness, Attelage en
[Henri Marie Raymond de Toul
The Art Institute of Chicago
=c. 1899 wkg J79c//=1899 wkg
[At the Circus: Trained Pony
Henri Marie Raymond de Toulo
The Art Institute of Chicago
1900 wkg amr//=1900 wkg J79c
[Mademoiselle Cocyle as Hele
Henri Marie Raymond de Toulo