The Art Institute of Chicago
[Sketches for a Natural Hist
Pierre Bonnard
The Art Institute of Chicago
c. 1904
Pierre Bonnard
The Art Institute of Chicago
Mary Adeline Williams
Thomas Eakins
The Art Institute of Chicago
New England Headlands
Childe Hassam
The Art Institute of Chicago
1890s (?)
A Family Meal
Evert Pieters
The Art Institute of Chicago
18th/19th century
Study for Jacob's Dream
Raffaello Sanzio, called Rap
The Art Institute of Chicago
c. 1904
Dahlia and Daisies in a Vase
Henri Rousseau
The Art Institute of Chicago
=c. 1899 wkg J79c//=1899 wkg
[At the Circus: Trained Pony
Henri Marie Raymond de Toulo