Browse All : Ceramic by The Cleveland Museum of Art from c. 1000-1150

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Bowl with Pronghorn Antelope
America, New Mexico, Mo...
Bowl with Pronghorn Ant...
c. 1000-1150
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
America, New Mexico, Mogollon, Mimbres, 11th-12th Century
Bowl with Pronghorn Antelope
Creation Date
c. 1000-1150
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Bowl with Man Carrying a Basket
America, New Mexico, Mo...
Bowl with Man Carrying ...
c. 1000-1150
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
America, New Mexico, Mogollo, Mimbres, 11th-12th Century
Bowl with Man Carrying a Basket
Creation Date
c. 1000-1150
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
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