The Cleveland Museum of Art
12th-14th Century
Incense Burner: Kuan Ware
China, Southern Song Dynasty
The Cleveland Museum of Art
12th-14th Century
Bottle Vase: Kuan Ware
China, Song Dynasty (960-127
The Cleveland Museum of Art
10th-11th century
Ewer with a Lion-Shaped Spou
China, Shaanxi Province, Ton
The Cleveland Museum of Art
12th-14th Century
Basin: Guan Ware
China, Chekiang Province, So
The Cleveland Museum of Art
12th-13th Century
Jar with Handles, Tz'u chou
China, Honan or Hopei Provin
The Cleveland Museum of Art
10th-11th Century
Phoenix-Headed Ewer: Qingbai
South China, possibly Hsi Ts