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The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 1200-900 BC
Archaic Figurine
Central Mexico, Tlatilco
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 1200-900 BC
Archaic Figurine
Central Mexico, Tlatilco
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 1200-900 BC
Archaic Figurine
Central Mexico, Tlatilco
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 1200-900 BC
Archaic Figure
Central Mexico, Tlatilco
The Cleveland Museum of Art
1200-900 BC
Female Figurine with Headdre …
Mexico, Tlatilco, type D1
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 900-400 BC
Seated Figure
Mexico, Olmec
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 900-600 BC
Peru, North Coast, Cupisniqu …
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 900-400 BC
Head Fragments
Mexico, Olmec
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 900-400 BC
Elongated Mask
Mexico, Olmec
The Cleveland Museum of Art
900-700 BC
Sardinia, 9th-8th Century BC
The Cleveland Museum of Art
900-700 BC
Sardinia, 9th-8th Century BC
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 900-400 BC
Standing Figure
Mexico, Olmec