Browse All : Sculpture by The Cleveland Museum of Art of North American; Central American; Mexican

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Archaic Figurine
Central Mexico, Tlatilc...
Archaic Figurine
c. 1200-900 BC
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Central Mexico, Tlatilco
Archaic Figurine
Creation Date
c. 1200-900 BC
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Archaic Figurine
Central Mexico, Tlatilc...
Archaic Figurine
c. 1200-900 BC
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Central Mexico, Tlatilco
Archaic Figurine
Creation Date
c. 1200-900 BC
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Archaic Figurine
Central Mexico, Tlatilc...
Archaic Figurine
c. 1200-900 BC
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Central Mexico, Tlatilco
Archaic Figurine
Creation Date
c. 1200-900 BC
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Archaic Figure
Central Mexico, Tlatilc...
Archaic Figure
c. 1200-900 BC
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Central Mexico, Tlatilco
Archaic Figure
Creation Date
c. 1200-900 BC
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Head in Mouth of Snake
Central Mexico, Aztec
Head in Mouth of Snake
c. 1200-1519
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Central Mexico, Aztec
Head in Mouth of Snake
Creation Date
c. 1200-1519
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Coiled Rattlesnake
Central Mexico, Aztec
Coiled Rattlesnake
c. 1200-1519
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Central Mexico, Aztec
Coiled Rattlesnake
Creation Date
c. 1200-1519
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Central Mexico, Tacuba,...
c. 1200-1519
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Central Mexico, Tacuba, Aztec
Creation Date
c. 1200-1519
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Central Mexico, Aztec
c. 1200-1519
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Central Mexico, Aztec
Creation Date
c. 1200-1519
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Miniature Metate
Central Mexico, Xochica...
Miniature Metate
c. 700-1000
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Central Mexico, Xochicalco (?)
Miniature Metate
Creation Date
c. 700-1000
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Seated Woman
Mexico, Nayarit, El Bur...
Seated Woman
100 BC - 300
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Mexico, Nayarit, El Burrato, Chinesco style, Type E(?)
Seated Woman
Creation Date
100 BC - 300
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Dwarf Effigy
Mexico, Colima
Dwarf Effigy
100 BC - 500
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Mexico, Colima
Dwarf Effigy
Creation Date
100 BC - 500
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Celt with Deity
Mexico, Olmec style (12...
Celt with Deity
1000-300 BC
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Mexico, Olmec style (1200-300 BC)
Celt with Deity
Creation Date
1000-300 BC
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Archaic Figurine
Mexico, Guanajuato, Chu...
Archaic Figurine
c. 400-100 BC
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Mexico, Guanajuato, Chupicuaro
Archaic Figurine
Creation Date
c. 400-100 BC
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Archaic Figurine
Mexico, Guanajuato, Chu...
Archaic Figurine
400-100 BC
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Mexico, Guanajuato, Chupicuaro
Archaic Figurine
Creation Date
400-100 BC
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Standing Figure
Mexico, Olmec
Standing Figure
c. 900-400 BC
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Mexico, Olmec
Standing Figure
Creation Date
c. 900-400 BC
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Standing Figurine
Mexico, Olmec, 20th Cen...
Standing Figurine
20th Century(?)
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Mexico, Olmec, 20th Century(?)
Standing Figurine
Creation Date
20th Century(?)
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Resting Figure
Mexico, Classic Veracru...
Resting Figure
c. 300-600
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Mexico, Classic Veracruz Style
Resting Figure
Creation Date
c. 300-600
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Ballgame Yoke
Mexico, Classic Veracru...
Ballgame Yoke
c. 600-900
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Mexico, Classic Veracruz Style
Ballgame Yoke
Creation Date
c. 600-900
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Ballgame Palma
Mexico, Classic Veracru...
Ballgame Palma
c. 600-900
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Mexico, Classic Veracruz Style
Ballgame Palma
Creation Date
c. 600-900
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
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