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The Cleveland Museum of Art
600s BC
Daedalic Pendant with Potnia …
Eastern Greece, Rhodian, 7th …
The Cleveland Museum of Art
600s BC
Daedalic Pendant with Potnia …
Eastern Greece, Rhodian, 7th …
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 700-675 BC
Fibula with Solar Design
Greece, Boeotian, 7th Centur …
The Cleveland Museum of Art
750-700 BC
Statuette of a Horse
Greece, Corinth, 8th century …
The Cleveland Museum of Art
700s BC
Geometric Pyxis
Greece, 8th Century BC
The Cleveland Museum of Art
700s BC
Geometric Pyxis
Greece, 8th Century BC
The Cleveland Museum of Art
700s BC
Geometric Pyxis (cover)
Greece, 8th Century BC
The Cleveland Museum of Art
700s BC
Geometric Pyxis (cover)
Greece, 8th Century BC
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 700s BC
Greece, c. 8th Century BC
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 700s BC
Greece, c. 8th Century BC
The Cleveland Museum of Art
900-700 BC
Sardinia, 9th-8th Century BC
The Cleveland Museum of Art
900-700 BC
Sardinia, 9th-8th Century BC