Browse All : Images by The Cleveland Museum of Art of Japanese from 1200

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The White Path to the Western Paradise across Two Rivers (Nika Byakudo)
Japan, Kamakura period
The White Path to the W...
13th Century
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Japan, Kamakura period
The White Path to the Western Paradise across Two Rivers (Nika Byakudo)
Creation Date
13th Century
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
The White Path to the Western Paradise across Two Rivers (Nika Byakudo)
Japan, Kamakura period
The White Path to the W...
13th Century
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Japan, Kamakura period
The White Path to the Western Paradise across Two Rivers (Nika Byakudo)
Creation Date
13th Century
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
The White Path to the Western Paradise across Two Rivers (Nika Byakudo)
Japan, Kamakura period
The White Path to the W...
13th Century
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Japan, Kamakura period
The White Path to the Western Paradise across Two Rivers (Nika Byakudo)
Creation Date
13th Century
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
The White Path to the Western Paradise across Two Rivers (Nika Byakudo)
Japan, Kamakura period
The White Path to the W...
13th Century
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Japan, Kamakura period
The White Path to the Western Paradise across Two Rivers (Nika Byakudo)
Creation Date
13th Century
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
The White Path to the Western Paradise across Two Rivers (Nika Byakudo)
Japan, Kamakura period
The White Path to the W...
13th Century
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Japan, Kamakura period
The White Path to the Western Paradise across Two Rivers (Nika Byakudo)
Creation Date
13th Century
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
The White Path to the Western Paradise across Two Rivers (Nika Byakudo)
Japan, Kamakura period
The White Path to the W...
13th Century
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Japan, Kamakura period
The White Path to the Western Paradise across Two Rivers (Nika Byakudo)
Creation Date
13th Century
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
The "Secret Five" Bodhisattva (Gohimitsu Bosatsu)
Japan, Kamakura period,...
The "Secret Five" Bodhi...
13th Century
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Japan, Kamakura period, 13th century
The "Secret Five" Bodhisattva (Gohimitsu Bosatsu)
Creation Date
13th Century
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
The "Secret Five" Bodhisattva (Gohimitsu Bosatsu)
Japan, Kamakura period,...
The "Secret Five" Bodhi...
13th Century
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Japan, Kamakura period, 13th century
The "Secret Five" Bodhisattva (Gohimitsu Bosatsu)
Creation Date
13th Century
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
The "Secret Five" Bodhisattva (Gohimitsu Bosatsu)
Japan, Kamakura period,...
The "Secret Five" Bodhi...
13th Century
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Japan, Kamakura period, 13th century
The "Secret Five" Bodhisattva (Gohimitsu Bosatsu)
Creation Date
13th Century
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Incense Box: Seto Ware
Japan, Kamakura Period ...
Incense Box: Seto Ware
13th-14th Century
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Japan, Kamakura Period (1185-1333)
Incense Box: Seto Ware
Creation Date
13th-14th Century
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
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