The Metropolitan Museum of A
ca. 1453
[Étienne Bobillet, Paul de M
The Metropolitan Museum of A
ca. 1453
[Étienne Bobillet, Paul de M
The Metropolitan Museum of A
14th century
Bust of Marie de France (132
Jean de Liège
The Metropolitan Museum of A
ca. 1515-1520
Saint Stephen
Hans Leinberger
The Metropolitan Museum of A
ca. 1301, with later additio
Lectern for the Reading of t
Giovanni Pisano
The Metropolitan Museum of A
ca. 1420
Virgin and Child
Attributed to Claus de Werve
The Metropolitan Museum of A
ca. 1150
Head of King David
French, Paris
The Metropolitan Museum of A
ca. 1150-1170
Column Figure of a Nimbed Ki
The Metropolitan Museum of A
first quarter of 14th centur
Virgin of the Annunciation
The Metropolitan Museum of A
late 5th-early 6th century
Bust of a Lady of Rank