The Minneapolis Institute of
11th century - 13th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
12th century - 13th century
Ovoid Bottle
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 13th century - 14th ce
Bowl with Lid
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 13th century - 14th ce
Dish with Moulded Dragons
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
8th century - 9th century
Chang Sha Ewer
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
10th century - 11th century
Small Dish
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
Richard DeVore
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1930
Vessel with lid
Marcel Guillemard
The Minneapolis Institute of
Floor Vase (Bodenvase)
[Gustav Heinkel, Karlsruhe M
The Minneapolis Institute of
1970s - 1980s
Warren Mackenzie
The Minneapolis Institute of
11th century - 12th century
Ovoid Vessel
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
11th century - 12th century
Cizhou pillow
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
10th century
Round box and cover
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
10th century - 11th century
Yaozhou bowl
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
Cizhou pillow
artist unknown