The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1200 - 1300
Jeddito water vessel
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1680 - 1700
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
18th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
18th century
Side chair
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1740
Connecticut Room
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
1730 - 1740
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
1760 - 1770
Japanned Side Chair
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
Charleston Drawing Room
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1795
Side chair
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
early 19th century
Bull's Eye glass pane
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
Pair of candle holders
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
Flask in the form of a book
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
Pie plate
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
Brown teapot
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
Toby jug
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
Portrait of a Girl
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
early 19th century
Portrait of a Woman
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
Pair of oyster plates
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
Commemorative Scarf
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1820
Pier Table
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1850
'Coachman' bottle
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1855
Variation on Pink Spice
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1870
Trompe l'oeil fish in presse
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1930
Block Printed Panel
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1930
Block Printed Panel
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1930
Block Printed Panel
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1930
Block Printed Panel
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
Harbor Boats
artist unknown