Browse All : Sculpture by The Minneapolis Institute of Arts of European; Southern European; Roman from 1

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The Tiber Muse
artist unknown
The Tiber Muse
1st century - 2nd centu...
The Minneapolis Institu...
Creator Name-CRT
artist unknown
The Tiber Muse
Creation Date
1st century - 2nd century
AMICA Contributor
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Cinerary Box with cover
artist unknown
Cinerary Box with cover
1st century
The Minneapolis Institu...
Creator Name-CRT
artist unknown
Cinerary Box with cover
Creation Date
1st century
AMICA Contributor
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Torso of a Dancing Faun
artist unknown
Torso of a Dancing Faun
1st century
The Minneapolis Institu...
Creator Name-CRT
artist unknown
Torso of a Dancing Faun
Creation Date
1st century
AMICA Contributor
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
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