The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1740
Grand Canal from Palazzo Fla
Canaletto (Giovanni Antonio
The Minneapolis Institute of
1725 - 1730
Louis XV Wall Clock with Bra
attributed to Charles Cresse
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1720 - 1730
The Prodigal Son
Pier Leone Ghezzi
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1720
Holy Water Stoup
Giovanni Giardini da Forli
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1720
The Infant Krishna Carried A
Mankot School
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1740
Youth in Komuso Disguise
Okumura Masanobu
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1720
Courtesan of Ise-Ya and Atte
Furuyama Moromasa
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1740
Self Portrait
Francesco de Mura
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1720
Delft Barber's Bowl
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1740
Connecticut Room
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
1730 - 1740
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1740
artist unknown