The Minneapolis Institute of
11th century - 13th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
12th century - 13th century
Octagonal Vase
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
12th century - 13th century
Figure of a Dignitary
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
12th century - 13th century
Dish with Incised Rabbit
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
12th century - 13th century
Cup and Stand
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
12th century - 13th century
Ovoid Bottle
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
12th century - 13th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
12th century - 13th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
12th century - 13th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
12th century - 13th century
Seal Paste Box
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
12th century - 13th century
Lotus Bowl
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
11th century - 13th century
Cup and stand
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
12th cenutry - 13th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
12th century - 13th century
Octagonal pillow
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
13th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
13th century
Boy Leading an Ox Along the
Southern Sung dynasty
The Minneapolis Institute of
10th century - 13th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
10th century - 13th century
artist unknown