Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
500 B.C.-A.D. 500
Vessel whistle
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-800
Fragment of headband or hat
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Northern dynasties, 6th cent
Jar with four handles
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Northern dynasties, 6th cent
Jar with four handles
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
6th or 7th century A.D.
Child's tunic with ducks
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
6th-7th century A.D.
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-800
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-800
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
500-600 A.D.
Band fragment
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-800
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-800
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-800
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-800
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-800
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-800
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-800
Sleeveless tunic (?)
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-800
Sleeveless tunic (?)
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-800
Tunic fragment
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-800
Tunic fragment
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-800
Tunic fragment
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-1476
Fragment of a cord
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-1476
Fragment of a cord
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-1200
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-1200
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-1476
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-800
Corner fragment
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-1476
Border fragment
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-800
Border fragment
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-1476
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-1476
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-1476
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-1476
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-1476
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-1476
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-1476
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-1476
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-800
Band from a tunic
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-1476
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-1476
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-1476
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-1476
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-800
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-1000 (?)
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
6th century A.D., Late Gupta
Part of a Sapta-Matrka Group
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
6th century A.D., Gupta Dyna
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
6th-8th century A.D.
Bottle on stand
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-800
Tunic fragment (lower border
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-800
Tunic fragment (lower border
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-800
Tunic fragment (lower border
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A.D. 500-800
Tunic fragment (lower border
Artist not recorded