Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 4, about 2625-2500
Slab Stela of Kameny
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 4, about 2625-2500
Slab Stela of Kameny
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 4, reign of Menkaure
King Menkaure (Mycerinus) an
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 4, reign of Menkaure
King Menkaure (Mycerinus) an
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Old Kingdom, Dynasty 6, 2350
Food case in the shape of a
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 5, reign of Djedkare
Model duck
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Probably late dynasty 6, abo
False door of Kha
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Old Kingdom, Dynasty 4, reig
Bust of Prince Ankh-haf
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasties 27-30, 525-332 B.C
Statuette of Imhotep
Artist not recorded