The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1510
Allegorical 'Millefleurs' Ta
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1520 - 1530
Tapestry Fragment of Virgin
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1528 - 1540
The Ship of Virtues
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
late 16th century
Diana and Acteon
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
17th century - 18th century
Mushru Cloth
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1700 - 1705
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
18th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
18th cenutry
Wrapper for a Kesa
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
18th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
18th century
Silk Fragment
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1703
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1800
Tapestry Fragment
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
Square Shawl
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
Paisley Shawl
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
Paisley Shawl
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
Warp Ikat Panel
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
Panel from a Cradle
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
Two Joined Panels
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
Wedding Belt
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
Three Uncut Napkins
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 19th century
Velvet Panel
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 19th century
Velvet Panel
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
Door Panel
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
Shawl Fragment
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
Bias Cut Fragments
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
Bias Cut Fragments
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
Length of Brocaded Fabric
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
late 19th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
late 19th century
Ikat Panel
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1900
Prayer Cloth
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
Skirt Fabric Length
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
early 20th century
Rain Coat
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
Silk Velours au Sabré Ribbon
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
early 20th century
Woman's Wedding or Ceremonia
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
Brocade Panel
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
Long Panel
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
Short Panel
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
Long Panel
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
Man's Textile
artist unknown