The Minneapolis Institute of
late 19th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
late 19th century
Ikat Panel
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
late 19th century
Bride's Gift Towel
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
late 19th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
late 19th century
Woman's coat
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
late 19th century - early 20
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
late 19th century - early 20
Woman's Ceremonial Hand Towe
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
late 19th century - early 20
Shoulder Strap
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
late 19th century - early 20
Sleeve Guard
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1870
Trompe l'oeil fish in presse
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1870
Torah pointer
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1880
House Panel
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1870 - 1880
Japonnerie 'Velours au Sabre
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1880
Decanter with stopper with s
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
last quarter 19th century
Horse trapping
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
1880 - 1889
Pair of Woman's Moccasins
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1890
Claret Jug
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1880 - 1900
Seder Plate
The Minneapolis Institute of
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
1890 - 1910
Bandolier Bag
The Minneapolis Institute of
The Gamblers
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
about 1900
Prayer Cloth
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
Ceremonial Object Container
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
Papago Miniature Basket
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
Skirt Fabric Length
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
Chiné Piece
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
1900 - 1925
Woman's Dress
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
early 20th century
Rain Coat
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
Mud Cloth
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
Mai Mask
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
Archetectural Rendering:Wind
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
Carrying cloth
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
Silk Velours au Sabré Ribbon
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
1st quarter 20th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
Feast Ladle with Bird Effigy
The Minneapolis Institute of
early 20th century
Woman's Wedding or Ceremonia
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
Woman's skirt
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
Heavy Fringe
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
Confradia Huipil
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
20th century
artist unknown