Browse All : Images by Venturini, Giovanni Francesco of European; Southern European; Italian and Italy from circa 1684 and 1682

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Cascades of the River Anio at Tivoli, plate 14 from the series Le fontane del Giardino Estense in Tivoli (Fountains of the Este garden in Tivoli)
Giovanni Francesco Vent...
Cascades of the River A...
circa 1684
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Francesco Venturini
Cascades of the River Anio at Tivoli, plate 14 from the series Le fontane del Giardino Estense in Tivoli (Fountains of the Este garden in Tivoli)
Creation Date
circa 1684
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
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