Detail View: David Rumsey Historical Map Collection: A new map of the Brittish Isles shewing their antient people ...

Wells, Edward, 1667-1727
Short Title: 
A new map of the Brittish Isles shewing their antient people ...
Publisher Location: 
Atlas Map
Obj Height cm: 
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Copper engraved double page map. Shows ancient political and administrative divisions. Includes explanations. Relief shown pictorially.
World Area: 
Great Britain
British Isles
Full Title: 
A new map of the Brittish Isles shewing their antient people, cities, and towns of note, in the time of the Romans. Sutton Nicholls sculp. (to accompany) A new sett of maps both of antient and present geography. 10
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Engraver or Printer: 
Nicholls, Sutton
Publication Author: 
Wells, Edward, 1667-1727
Pub Date: 
Pub Title: 
A new sett of maps both of antient and present geography : wherein not only the latitude and longitude of many places are corrected, according to the latest observations ; but also the most remarkable differences of antient and present geography may be quickly discern'd by a bare inspection or comparing of correspondent maps ; which seems to be the most natural and easy method to lead young students (for whose use the work is principally intended) unto a competent knowledge of the geographic science. Together with a geographical treatise particularly adapted to the use and design of these maps. By Edward Wells ... Imprimatur, Gu. Paynter Vice-Can. Oxon. London: Printed by T.W. for J. Walthoe, R. Wilkin, J. and J. Bonwicke, S. Birt, T. Ward and E. Wicksteed.
Pub Note: 
Atlas is complete with 41 double-page with table of contents "A catalogue of maps which compose this new sett ... " Maps are copper engraved by the Oxford engravers M. Burghers, R. Spofforth, Benjamin Cole and Sutton Nicholls. The atlas contains, in most cases, two of each map to compare the ancient and modern configurations. Showing boundaries, major cities and towns, rivers, mountains, churches and fortifications. Each map carries a dedication "To his Highness William Duke of Gloucester." The maps are highly decorative, with elaborate title cartouches surrounded by coats of arms, putti, or allegorical figures. The two world maps feature the island of California, a partially explored Australia, and numerous notations of parts as yet undiscovered. The Americas stand on their own, with a single map each for North America and South America, as well as one for the English Plantations in America. The map of North America also depicts the island of California and Florida encompasses the entire south. This edition is similar to the first edition of 1700 but has a different title page and several of the maps have been updated. Publication Date is estimated to be circa 1710, while the date of each map is given as 1700 when they were originally published. The Oxford scholar Wells produced these maps for the education of his young pupil William, Duke of Gloucester, the son of Queen Anne and George, Prince of Denmark. William suffered from encephalitis and died in 1700 at the age of eleven. Wells dedicated and published the atlas as a tribute to the Duke.
Pub List No: 
Pub Type: 
School Atlas
Pub Type: 
World Atlas
Pub Maps: 
Pub Height cm: 
Pub Width cm: 
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Wells, Edward, 1667-1727